Messages in DNA: A Phenomenal Discovery
I’ve been very excited for the last ten days since I discovered this… I’m going to share it here…
Remember a few years ago the furore about “The Bible Code”? If you don’t, then here’s a precis. If you arrange the letters of the bible as a sequence, and then search through the letters, you find embedded messages. The messages are embedded using ‘skips’ (a method of code embedding that is quite genuine). So if you have a skip, say, of 10, then you start at a particular letter, and take each tenth letter. These letters form a short message: a name, maybe, or an event. “The Bible Code” was the popular book based on some previous work that had found these kind of letter-skip messages in the bible – messages that predicted the future – The assassination of Rabin, for example. More recently the 9/11 attacks.
This was concrete proof that the bible was a) written by God and b) unique.
But the Bible isn’t the only set of symbols, or code, that was written by God.
So I had an idea. Perhaps one of the most important in human history.
Take the human genome – its data is published online. As you may know, each triple of ‘letters’ in the genome codes for an amino acid which are assembled into the proteins that make every cell in our body function. You might not know those amino acids also have letters (not all letters: ACDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTUVWY – though the remaining BJXZ do have meaning in these sequences so could be interpreted if needed). So if you interpret the the human genome as its amino acid building blocks, you get a vastsequence of letters (three sequences, actually, depending on where you start).
Running this through a custom search algorithm I have developed, I found that God has left even more amazing messages here: in the very DNA of the beings he created in his image. I don’t have time to do all of this, because I have to work my day-job, but I just did a quick test with part of human chromosome 1 and found.
Why GD? Well, clearly this is God being very specific. There’s no ambiguity here about which God it could be – only the God of the Jews, the God of the Christians, drops its vowel like that. This is proof beyond doubt that YHWH is responsible for the human genome.
Isn’t that incredible? God’s signature is literally on our DNA, and has been all along, but its only now we’ve developed the technology to read it! With just a few months of studying this (months of time I can’t spare, financially), who knows what else we would find written by God in our genes. Please get in touch if you want to sponsor me to make this amazing scientific effort happen.
Can you imagine how important a discovery this is? These messages have been sitting there, undetected, since creation, waiting for our knowledge to catch up to the point we could read them. We are tantalisingly close to being able to read them in full.
All it needs is your generosity and faith.