Isn't it annoying how some believers love to hide behind semantics?
If there is a God why didn't he sign our DNA
by scotoma 153 Replies latest jw friends
Hate to break it to you, buddy, but you are limited to A, C, T, and G.
That's a Base 4 number system! We build up our whole alphabet digitally with just Base 2. Just 1 and 0! That mean's the DNA code is four times as dense!
My understanding is the building blocks ACTG always come in the same pairs. You can only mix A with T and never G etc. -
I guess you didn't check the etymology or the original meanings/synonyms, etc, for the word?
Not sure how you can dismiss something without actually looking at it - because it is all there; its not hidden - but to each his own.
You ARE guessing and ARE wrong, so..... no change from the usual, I see.
Remember a few years ago the furore about “The Bible Code”? If you don’t, then here’s a precis. If you arrange the letters of the bible as a sequence, and then search through the letters, you find embedded messages. The messages are embedded using ‘skips’ (a method of code embedding that is quite genuine). So if you have a skip, say, of 10, then you start at a particular letter, and take each tenth letter. These letters form a short message: a name, maybe, or an event. “The Bible Code” was the popular book based on some previous work that had found these kind of letter-skip messages in the bible – messages that predicted the future – The assassination of Rabin, for example. More recently the 9/11 attacks.
Wrong, you obviously didnt read the other debunkers which show any large book, eg they often pick Moby Dick also has codes. The bible codes are not there for us to read, people lie and twist after the fact. If they can predict stuff before hand, that would be impressive.
The BibleCode does not have 911 or the assination of Rabin. In neither fragment or code the name of Rabin or NY is never mentioned. The text is so vague it could apply to anything. Lots of cities if not all have two towers. Fires have also been happening since the beginning of time. NOthing new here. The BIble Code is about as accurate as Nostradamus.
If the believers were read the handful of words that supposedly mention Rabins assination and 911 they would be dumb puzzled what to think. The text is not clear it requires interpretation and molding.