Shelby: " As for dragons, they do exist... only not as you and most of mankind believe they appear. They are not beasts... but men (celestial not terrestrial). And I was quite frightened the one time I saw a particular one (my Lord) up close and personal. VERY. And actually, not theoretically. "
If there is a God why didn't he sign our DNA
by scotoma 153 Replies latest jw friends
Say What ? You do realize there are thousands of different languages and names for God, even the Jews had different names for him. AND whos to say he didn't sign your DNA and we just don't know how to read it ? We can't even figure out basic animal languages and thats something us human geniuses have been working on for long time. They do better understanding what we are talking about.
Go to the NASA site, look at the Hubble Deep Space photos - and THINK about it.
whos to say he didn't sign your DNA and we just don't know how to read it ?
What would be the point in that? The thread is about the hiddenness of god. Pretty pictures on the NASA website do not offer any evidence for theism.
Ummmm... perhaps you miss the "trick" Jacob played on Laban, dear mp (peace to you!)? He actually did utilize a knowledge of DNA here. Maybe you think the point was that spotted/striped sheep can't procreate unspotted/striped sheep? I dunno. But the issue wasn't really the sheeps' appearance - that was just the decoy (what would tell Laban that Jacob was being "dishonest" with him). The issue was the HEALTH of the sheep, EVEN spotted/striped. Having already increased Laban's flocks, Jacob was a master shepherd. He simply used the same technique in multiplying HIS flocks that he used to multiply Laban's:
None of your apologetic replies are mentioned or highlighted in the text. If this text is supposed to be a scientific approach it fails because its meaning when taken literally is obvious nonsense. No where does it mention health and so on, your being intellectually dishonest and introducing that to make an excuse for the crap that the text actually contains. -
None of the dna strands point to the left, they all point to the right when they have an obvious extension. So thats a clear fail.
return of parakeet
MrsJones: " Beliefs aren't truth, they're just beliefs. Nothing more, nothing less. "
Most sensible comment I've read on this thread.
as you look at the bachground radiation from the cooling after the Big Bang. 13 billion (light) years agao. it is space that has expanded, time has not.
Time exists in expanding space and functions the same. Yes, time HAS expaced.
Now space has stretched, and that some 1 second now has a very low frequency/ energy level frequency in its duration*
That has nothing do to with time or space, it has to do with density and type of particles and conditions. In the heart of a supernova, particles are blasted out at one third the speed of light on a daily basis, producing gamma ray beams powerful enough to kill everything on earth from billions of light years away. Probably more frequently, we just can't see all of them. You are mixing up concepts.
I wish you would refrain from grading your fellow contributors.
I wish some of them would get a basic education about things they wish to make claims about. Nobody gets everything.
Even the best minds are far from truly and fully understanding it all.
Of course not. Thank goodness for science and scientists to sort it out.
Go to the NASA site, look at the Hubble Deep Space photos - and THINK about it.
Scientists do that all the time. It has produced no evidence of any god.It has, however, produced some of the most amazing physics and knowledge.
If this text is supposed to be a scientific approach it fails because its meaning when taken literally is obvious nonsense. No where does it mention health and so on, your being intellectually dishonest and introducing that to make an excuse for the crap that the text actually contains.
I found this site interesting
MrsJones: "Beliefs aren't truth, they're just beliefs. Nothing more, nothing less."
Most sensible comment I've read on this thread
.really? ... until some ones beliefs .. directs them to fly planes into buildings... are those of the... nothing more or the nothing less type?