One thing you've got to realize Change Name, is that people who are exposing the Truth about the WTS., do so mostly under their personal integrity.
They too get pissed off when someone puts out false and misleading information about the WTS.
Thats not the desired intent and never will be.
You mentioned about the NGO situation, it seems you've just read the white washing the WTS. supporters came up with , thats
totally NOT the Truth of the matter what so ever. Any lame brain idiot knows from reading and comprehending what it means for
a organization to sign up as a NGO under the intuitive of UN, is expected to be in acceptance and compliance to that directive.
The WTS. tried to spin things around when they did openly got caught though.
It was so embarrassing for the WTS. when they did get caught, that in fact they even went to say the UN isn't that bad of an organization.
Designed and orchestrated lies makes up for what doctrines this organization has come up with, but it was obviously done
with the intent of literature proliferation , theirs