Monday begins the greatest demonstration of faith or suspended reality we have in modern times. 116 Cardinals will begin the voting process by which they claim to listen to God speak to them in their prayers and meditations in electing the next Pope. Voting 4 times per day sometimes they will whittle down the list of those names God is whispering in their ears.
From the USA, Cardinals Dolan and Mahoney can only be described as giddy with their rock star like status tweeting the faithful back home the day to day excitement surrounding the Conclave soon to be in session.
Sort of a modern play on Scissors Paper Rock or Telegraph it takes several attempts to listen to God's choice and then the White Smoke appears.
The GB must be taking a keen interest in this fascinating process of dupping millions of Believers and wondering- How Can We Get Away With This Too;_ylt=A0PDokpCxztRg1wA_suJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBycGhuNz