You are obviously not beyond help because you have actually taken the time to listen to what apostates have to say.
I asked you before to find out what mindcontroll is.
If you find out what psycological cohersion is you will never have anything to fear from people or organisations who use it, because you will consciously aware that someone is trying to subject you to it.
It can damage your ability to make critical judgements on matters as important as life or death. And also you will believe pratically anything the people in authority tell you to regardless of if it makes sense or not. That is why people call Witnesses brainwashed, because they believe anything the Watchtower tells them to no mater what the consequences. And if they somehow manage to recognise a contradiction they either
1) Represses the information in the hopes that "Jehovah will sort it out" or
2) They rationalize it in the most illogical and non sensible manners.
For example:
For years the Watchtower held to a resolution tha the "Wild Beast" of Revelation which is governed by Satan is the United Nations. They thought that anyone who had anything to do thit this organisation carried the "mark of the beast." All of Christendom had comitted spritual fornication by becoming associated with it as an Non Governmental Organisation (NGO). It was a shure sign that the Churches of orthodox Chrisendom were not from God and they had turned their back on him.
Than came the shocking news!
It was discovered that the Watchtower themselves had applied for association and had obtained it for 10 years! Now when a Witness is confronted with this information and they realize that it is true they may justify it by any of the following methods.
Ttrivaliztion: "So what if they were associated with the United Nations i'm shure they had a good reason."
Wait on Jehovah: "This is obviously a ploy by the devil to cause me to loose my faith in Jehovahs Organisation. I shurley will not fall into the same trap that the apsoates have fell into by refusing to wait for Jehovah to clarify this matter."
My personal favourite...Blame the Apostates!: "It would appear as though the apostates have somehow managed to force Jehovahs Organisation into a comprimising position with the UN this is shurley no matter to loose faith over."
Reasoning is meaningless when confronted with this type of situation.
The result of any judgment made by a well seasoned Witnesses no matter what evidence he is faced with is that the Watchtower is "the truth." Anything will make sense to a Witnesses once it comes from the Watchtower or if it makes the Watchtower look good.
I for one believe that if any person that was about to join such a religion as the Watchtower and they found out how mindcontroll works, that they would probally not want anything to do with it. because they will be able to think for themselves and indpendant thinkers are quickly gotten rid of in that organisation.
BTW the poster known a You Know cannot defend many actions taken by the Watchtower because he knows that they are unethetcial but are true. he cannot defend lying to you just so that you can continue to be unified under the opinions of a few men.
You will find out that Everything that the Apsotates say is and continues to be very well documented and they can give numerous references to any claims they make references usually come from the organisations literature itself.
There is one website in particular that has been paramount in exposing contradictions within the Watchtower doctrine. <--This site reveals that new light does not come from God.
The one of the most critical things that the orthodox protestant Churches teach is the Trinity. This involves the diety of christ. They consider it heracy to view Jesus Christ as anything mless than God. If you click on the link about revelation 22-12 you will see that the Governing Body dosent even appear to know who Jesus is. That is something I think that you should truly consider.
An easy link to a site that discusses mindcontroll/psycological cohersion is <---- Very important website!
The link above could be the most important link that you ever click on. Because as I said before once you are aware of consciously mindcontroll no one can ever use it on you effectively unless you allow yourself to be subjected to it. Before you discuss doctrinal issues it is best that you look at this website so that you can spot any logical errors involved in making arguments.
Ofcourse you know if you tell them you visited this website everything would change. So I do not think that it would be very advisible that you were to do that.
I have a question for you by the way aare you romantically involved with a Witnesses? I am myself.
p.s. shoot me an e-mail If you have time.
The Bible is a two edged sword wield it for evil and it you may get hurt.