Well, as you can see, you have many helpful replies (and You Know's comments!) so I won't burden you further.
May I suggest that you ask the ones studying with you this question:
If I join Jehovah's Witnesses and get baptised, what would happen if I later decided to leave?"
The reply should be enough to help you make up your mind.
If not, perhaps the answer given to you is, shall we say, a little less than truthful. Better still, why don't you let us know what they say. We'd sure be interested!
Cheers, Ozzie
"If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."
If I join Jehovah's Witnesses and get baptised, what would happen if I later decided to leave?"
Judging from the miserable spiritual condition of the XJWs on this board, the mere thought of leaving the truth is enough to make you shudder. / You Know
In response to my inquiries of Rev. 22:12, is this your idea of handling it?
What's the issue? I must have missed something.
I would never call you an apostate, a god hater
It wouldn't matter to me if you did. Most apostates though routinely run that accusation against me. Jesus forewarned his disciple to expect that kind of thing didn't he?
The watchtower's view of an apostate is an insult to God, and a blashpheme against the Spirit.
That's absurd. You are just making wild accusations.
Isn't the definition of Jehovah's Witness defined in one of the baptismal questions? And anyone in Jehovah's Organization believes even those things that are unique to them & once they stop, they are no under the protection of God's Organization, even tho they might not have been officially or publically removed?
I recognize that Jehovah's Witnesses are Jehovah's organization and I support that. It doesn't mean that I think they are 100% correct on all their teachings. However, I do not teach anything contrary to what the Watchtower teaches so as not to create confusion or stumble my brothers. In this forum though the situation is different in that every reader has been exposed in varying degrees to the deep things of Satan's accusation against us. So in this setting I am willing to break rank so to speak. The apostle Paul laid down a principle saying that 'to the Jews he became as a Jew, to the weak he became weak.' In that respect then when in the company of those who have doubts about certain Wt teachings I also am one who doesn't agree with everything, although personally I have no doubts about the truth. The purpose being though to save someone from the fires of doubt. It is possible to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses without accepting everything the Wt teaches. I am living proof.
Please concentrate on the Rev. scripture, the above questions were just food for thought.
Okay. I am concentrating. What's supposed to happen anyway? / You Know
Judging from the miserable spiritual condition of the XJWs on this board
SPEAK FOR YOURSELF. and by XJWs do you mean people no longer in the Watchtower Organization or ones no longer in Jehovah's Organization? Which are you an X from? FYI I have never been either and unless you are able to read my heart you have no idea or right to JUDGE my spiritual condition. Also, if you will notice, my question has nothing to do with your spiritual condition, only taking you up on your offer of "there is nothing I can't handle."
Meow, trying to get any JW to discuss certain scriptures and/or watchtower material (which they all study week after week after week) is like watching a dog chasing its tail. Always studying, never coming to an understanding, just like the bible says. Avoiding & running from honest questions is their only answer.
sidebar: judging from "refiners" reaction to reading the WT history of Rev 22, active JWs have no idea that the WT has substituted and switched Jesus for Jehovah many times and still do. This is not the only scripture.
That's a lie. Elders that are found guilty of child abuse are automaticaly removed as elders and more than likely they are disfellowshipped. And according to the Watchtower's written policy any man that has a history of abuse even before he became a brother can NEVER serve in any capacity in any congregation.
Now we're also liers huh? I think the evidence is stacked against you.
You only have to read the Watchtower magazines that show you need 2 witnesses when you speak to the elders about any situation of sinful conduct. If you do not have 2 witnesses you are DF'd for slander. When in the world is someone who has been molested by an elder or MS going to have 2 witnesses? When You know? The predator continues just the same (the elder) and the abused gets df'd for slander.
You are the one lying about the Watchtower policy here, You Know. Do I dare waste my time in giving you the exact Watchtowers to read? I won't because you know exactly which ones they are. You know that the society has been hiding pedophiles and putting our children in danger.
What's the deal with Revelation 22:12? If you want to discuss it go ahead I will be more than hapy to. What's the big issue that we supposedly can't handle? LOL / You Know
It is possible to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses without accepting everything the Wt teaches.
Then why does the watchtower in essense teach "loyalty to the organization is more important than the truth" ?
Give me an example of something you do not accept that the WT teaches. If you are living proof that it is possible to harbor different views, I guess you are right because they say YOU CANNOT. So just by having them you are out of Harmony.
Regarding Rev 22, can you go back to page one of this thread, (I also asked you the same question on another thread to which you ignored) or do you want me to repost everything? I think Meow might be curious to see whether or not you mean what you say, how else can she or anyone else here determine whether ANY THING you say is of value.
If I join Jehovah's Witnesses and get baptised, what would happen if I later decided to leave?"
That depends. There are many of Jehovah's Witnesses who have left the truth. Most apparently just gradually lose faith and become inavtive and fall off the radar screen. They are never seen or heard from again. Others who are radicallized by apostates and become militant opposers of Jehovah's Witnesses, or who begin praticing unChristian things, are disfellowshipped in accord with the Scripures in that regard. / You Know