You ar right I have to be confident.But I always try to take a girls feelings into consideration. To me that is very hard.
You have to know how to answer their inquiries-
Q- what are you looking for? Ans- (a chick looking for fun won't ask this question)- so the correct answer is A- why, a serious long term relationship" . That is an open ended answer - six months later you can honestly answer that in your mind six months is "long Term"
Q- are you interested in marriage? A loaded question! the correct answer is " well, I'm not afraid of the jewelry store" ( delivered with a passionate kiss)- six months later you can admit that you meant regular Jewelry- not an engagement ring
Q ( from women who are divorced with kids) Do you like kids? Ans- I love children- I have four of them myself- would you like to watch them for me next weekend while I go fishing? (moshe weeded out a lot of needy women looking for a meal ticket) You can feel the girl go limp on the dance floor when she hears the "4 kids part".
Q what kind of work are you in? (fishing for your income, etc) A- "I'm in a professional in a successful industry, etc.- and you?" --You can be a window washer and this works for you- Amateurs work for free- professionals get paid for what they do.
Seriously, the guy who treats women like a cad, can't shake them off. I went so far as to tell a lady, "there are two men in a woman's life-- the guy she is with (me) and the guy she is supposed to be with." I thought for sure she would take the hint and stop trying to turn a relationship into a marriage- nope- she tried even harder, using the time tested tools that women control men with. --didn't work.