It's funny to see some women being upset, but the guys know I speaketh the truth.
I have been called many names here, but never a misogynist---woman hater. I must defend my honor from that put-down.
I want you to see a picture of the little girl my wife and I made two trips to Russia to adopt in 2003- next month is our 10 year "gotcha day" anniversary. I leave it to you to decide, if I dislike and hate women.
My wife - (who had no children of her own- we were married in 2000) and I went to an informational meeting about adoption in 2002- a Ukranian born lady from our Jewish Temple and her husband had opened an adoption agency a few years earlier- called Kidsfirst- anyway, like I said it was just a meeting- like going to an open house in a subdivision that is totally beyond your means, so you know you ain't buying anything-- The agency had brought over about 12 children for a two week summer camp- older kids, so we got to met some children, talk to couples who had already adopted, etc-
We were shown this picture of a 3yr old in a Russian orphanage- she needed a home- her mother had died when she was a year old-
Both of us were , like struck by lightning- it was instant. It took us 5 months of very hard paperwork, health physicals, social worker visits to qualify for the Russian visa and child referral ( and lots of money - over $30,000 in fees, travel and costs)- we met our future daughter in April 2003- On June 10th we were back in Court applying to the judge to adopt our, Ekaterina. Some moments in life are burned into your brain, like it just happened yesterday. Jews have a saying, bashert- it was meant to be. Our Rabbi told us at the baby naming ( a ceremony where the child/baby gets it's Jewish-Hebrew name), to adopt an orphan is among the highest honors a Jew can have in life-