How exactly did Jesus fulfill the law NOT the prophecies.

by mP 229 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Rattigan350

    " Jesus is never mentioned by name or title(son of god, messiah etc). Why didnt Moses simply write Jesus son of God here ? The answer is of course Jesus is a new made up invention that only appears in the NT, there is no Jesus in the OT. If you dont blieve me ask any Rabbi."

    Think about it. If Moses had said that the person would be named Jesus and gave more specifics, then everyone would name their kids Jesus and arrange the specifics.

    Yes, that was how to identify false prophets in that many would claim to be the messiah and how to find the real one and what to do with him.

    But the issue and problem never is who Jesus was just as it is not about whether God created everything. The issues is what Jesus and God will do in the future and when.

  • mP

    MP-> Rat:

    Well lots of people did name their kid Joshua or Jesus, its a very popular name in ancient israel and even today. IN fact if you study Josephus he mentions many Jesus who also died for fighting the Romans.

    So why lie and say Deu 18 mentions Jesus when it clearly does not. Its down right stupid to make such a statement when a simple read will show this to be untrue. The prblem is jesus is not predicted at all in the OT. SO many others are equally pathetic its sad they cant pick marvellous genuine examples.


    But the issue and problem never is who Jesus was just as it is not about whether God created everything. The issues is what Jesus and God will do in the future and when.


    Dont change the subject when christians have been caught out for lying. If you examine many of their claims they are easily shown to be equally big whoppers.

  • jhine

    sorry I have not posted fpr a while , have had a week off . It seems to me that mp , you just do not want to believe , you keep accusing Christians of lying , when in fact it is to be fair, more a matter of interpretation . Yu cannot prove that Christians are lying ,it is a matter of how you read and inerpet scripture . You say that Jesus does not command because no-one has heard from Jesus for 1900+ years yet many people say that they have , heard very recently . Anyone from Dave Wilkerson ( think I got that right , the Cross and the Switchblade bloke ) ,Jackie Pullinger (Chasing the Dragon ) to me will tell you that yes we do get direction .

    Also you talk about Rabbis not believing that Jesus is refered to in the O T . well they would say that wouldn't they ? There are many Messianic Jews (including some Rabbis ) who do believe that prophecies in the O t.refer to Jesus . Again it is a matter of interpretation and belief and experience . I am not sure why you keep coming onto this site , if you are only going to keep banging the same drum , as you can't prove your assertions and will never accept the claims of those who believe in Christ .

    What is your background , please tell . Were you frightened by a vicar when you were young or something ?

  • mP


    when in fact it is to be fair, more a matter of interpretation


    When you interpret like xians your lying. Thats why we have 30000 different xian religions who all tell you different things for a a wider variety of topics. All of it is bible based of course, and they all swear they never lie. Nearly every dogma quotes scrptures which many times dont even mention the topic or key words which the xian is asserting.

    In this case its a plain lie to claim jesus fulfills the laws of Moses, simply because Jesus by name or title is never mentioned once in the OT. MOses also never wrote down any prophecies remotely related to a Messiah. Then we have the paradox of why Jesus is never mentioned a single time nor wju this grand plan is never mentioned in plain words once.

  • mP


    What is your background , please tell . Were you frightened by a vicar when you were young or something ?


    Good to see like a fine xian, you cant reply in a sensible manner so you divert attention by making up stupidities. Your pathetic.

  • mP


    Also you talk about Rabbis not believing that Jesus is refered to in the O T . well they would say that wouldn't they ? There are many Messianic Jews (including some Rabbis ) who do believe that prophecies in the O t.refer to Jesus .


    Dont be silly, as a general statement Judaism does not recognise Jesus as a Messiah or Son of God. Messianic Jews are basically lying just like Xians about Jesus and the OT, they are hardly comparable to tradition assertions. Xianity stole the OT from the Jews, the contrast between the OT and NT is very much evidence of this. Just ask Marcion.

  • mP


    mp , what about the suffering servant in Isaiah , there are many passages which talk about a future event of of death and ressurection . If someone else can pin point some , please help me out cus off the top of my head I can't remember exact references , but as a believer in Christ I have , over the years read many OT passages which reference a messiah and suffering .


    Show the quote from isa and you will see it in no way matches Jesus. There have been many messiahs in the OT. Every king and priest was a messiah and many suffered when they lost their kingdom which happened a few times. Judea had a tough time being a small kingdom stuck between major powers.

  • jhine

    mp , sorry that you see my attempt ! at humour as being pathetic , though it has been said before that my jokes are pathetic . Not trying to divert attention just genuinely interested in what makes you tick , is that wrong ? I really see no point in continuing on this thread cus as I have said elsewhere we are simply never going to see eye to eye on, possilbly, any issue , and I just seem to make your blood boil which can't be good for your health . No, no sarcasism intented , before you think that , I just want to part on good terms , I really see no point in falling out .

  • mP

    jhine: Well i found it in bad taste. I have no trouble discussing whatever but all that i ask is that people try and be fair and answer questions when asked . I try and do the same. I just try and be direct and honest.

  • jhine

    mp , o.k. enough said

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