Lars is our resident Crazy person..
While I like him..
Don`t argue the Bible with him,or tell him he`s not Jesus..
He will out last the lot of you..LOL!!..
This is a good time to put up your video,singing a Diana Ross tune..LOL!!
Hi Outlaw! You're my bigtgest fan here!! hahaha....
You know, the only reason I keep posting here is to fulfill prophecy. This one:
LUKE 13:24 “Exert yourselves vigorously to get in through the narrow door, because many, I tell YOU, will seek to get in but will not be able, 25 when once the householder has got up and locked the door, and YOU start to stand outside and to knock at the door, saying, ‘Sir, open to us.’ But in answer he will say to YOU, ‘I do not know where YOU are from.’ 26 Then YOU will start saying, ‘We ate and drank in front of you, and you taught in our broad ways.’ 27 But he will speak and say to YOU, ‘I do not know where YOU are from. Get away from me, all YOU workers of unrighteousness!’ 28 There is where [YOUR] weeping and the gnashing of [YOUR] teeth will be, when YOU see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, but yourselves thrown outside.
When Christ returns, he has to have a public ministry at one level, one in which he teaches in the "broadways" of those who reject him as the messiah, but who apparently tolerate him and like him. They get to know him personally, though rejecting him first as the messiah. Further, this has the context of a group of people who don't believe that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob will be part of the heavenly class. So the "broadways" noted here where Christ teaches once he returns are XJW discussion forums like this one! Christ arrives in the clouds, meaning he does not appear in-person or have a formal church. Yet he still teaches in a public forum of sorts. This reference is to internet discussion groups of XJWs who are taught that Abraham and others prior to Christ's death would not be of the heavenly class, even though they will be!
So this is being fulfilled right here. How some "eat and drink" in front of the Christ while ignoring him. "Eating and drinking" is a reference to discussions that are had here in these discussion groups.
Now, once it is clear that Christ is the messiah, perhaps due to some event or miracle that confirms that to them in their minds, then all of a sudden they want to play the "friendship card" and remind him how they used to eat and drink in front of him, that is discuss Bible topics and how he used to teach in their broadways, meaning in their discussion boards. But Christ at this point rejects them.
So that is precisely the setting here. I'm liked, but ignored, for the moment. I teach here, but am not believed, not yet. Even so, I'm liked, at least by a few who have seen me through the years posting this stuff. So that is really why I'm here, basically. Not to be accepted or believed but to fulfill this situation where once it is clear to some that I'm truly the Christ, many will want to save their necks and then accept me, but I will reject them, because I know they have little regard for the Bible. The only reason they all of a sudden believe I'm the Christ will obviously be from some miraculous event or some miracle in connection with me. Then they will believe. But I will reject them. I'll reject because I know they are just trying to save their necks, not because they suddenly started believing the Bible.
So at this point, that is the main reason I'm here. Not to get converts. Not to convince anyone about a historical conspiracy, but to fulfill that Christ preaches in the "broadways" at the time of the second coming, and is rejected as the messiah, but makes lots of friends who like him and tolerate him. Of course, I like a lot of people here too. But getting into the kingdom is another story.
So STAY TUNED. At one point, I suppose there will be no choice but to realize I'm the Biblical Christ. At that point, of course, people will want to accept me and will want to get into the kingdom, but it will be too late.
This will be like the Flood of Noah's Day. Once it started to rain, then everybody was a believer! But it didn't save them. Same thing today. Before Armageddon, those who have followed my teachings will know for a fact that I'm the true messiah, but what good will it do them? I will reject them. They should have accepted me on the basis of what is in the Bible rather than some miracle.
Here is my messiah video and my Diana Ross video, both on which I'm singing in my male and female voices:
I don't want to hijack this tread with this, so I'm posting the links and not the videos!!