my awakening came around the time a really nasty pedophile case was going on in the cong i was in....i had been fading for years prior to that, but not realizing what or why.....but i started thinking about things, and then another situation occurred which made me start thinking that i was being a hypocrite hanging onto something i didn't believe in. But "truth" - years of conditioning to believe that you are part of a select group of blessed ones who know The Truth.....and realizing what a sham it all is - I was numbed.....and when finally I realized I was free - I literally felt a burden off me - I felt lighter and free............
When You Learned TTATT, the truth about the truth(tm) How Did It Make You Feel?
by LoisLane looking for Superman 63 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Lois great thread let many of us reflect on feelings we have toward the borg. May we also help close friends and family find TTATT. Thank YOU
Angry, then relieved that the doubts Ive had my whole life were finally legitimate, then excited to wake up other people, then let down by their reactions, and now disturbed by their willingness to be brainwashed.
I was fortunate. I've been in the truth long enough to know they change things and make mistakes, so I took the WTS separately from my relationship with God. When I lost faith in the WTS I didn't lose my faith in the Bible or Jehovah.
Larsinger beautifuul answer I just wish we all had been in the same place.
fresh prince of ohio
Relieved. The sh1t was crazy, and I wasn't the problem.
Embarrased - that i've ever identified myself as a JW and embarrassed that anyone knows that I'm a JW
Angry - that I've been lied to all my life and made to feel guilty over nothing
Depressed - where do I turn to, how do I tell my family?
Scared - as above
Confused - as above
Happy - that I can think my own thoughts, I don't believe in Armaggedon, the devil, the 'paradise' anymore
Stuck - as to how I get out unscathed
Excited - about the future, the unknown and being allowed to live my own life, my one life, this one, not an imaginary future one.
Brilliant thread.
Brilliant comments.
- It's great....... to be able to talk about it...... with people ........ who understand and ...... who KNOW
- It's great....... to learn all these new things.
- It's great....... to learn what a normal human being is like.
- It's great....... to just live ..... and to not feel guilty .........and to not stress and worry ...... about it all.
- It's great JUST LIVE...... and to enjoy it
- It's great ....... to experience amazing things in the world and to be able to appreciate them for the amazing things they are
- It's great........ to make memories.
- Of great times ........ with.......... great people....... Loved ones/pets/children/relatives. FRIENDS.
It's great ................. to be able to know your gut was right and you have sussed out what was going against your instinct and why you always felt off-kilter
It's great ................. to be able to learn all the warning signs of 'dangerous' people - dangerous to your happiness,, loved ones, children,pets,relatives,friendships.
It's great ................. to be able to know how to ............... find value in things, people and relationships.
It's great ................ to be able to know how/why to ...........appreciate the value of something/someone.
It's great ................ to be able to know how/why to be ......... thankful .... for the little things.
It's great ............... to be able to know the ..............TTATT and still keep ones
IT'S GREAT ... to learn..... TO KNOW..... TO LIVE ..... TO BE FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately, I think I'm still partly in denial.
So I guess that's how I feel.
Relieved, relieved, relieved. That is what this site has done for me. Though I had been out for many many years, I would still sometimes hear a nagging voice in my head, "What if they are right." I no longer hear that voice.
This site gave me TTATT. So many thanks.
Lost, I loved your answer/s. Thanks.