Like that scene in Star Wars where Princess Leia watches her whole world blown to pieces and there isn't a darn thing she can do about it.
When You Learned TTATT, the truth about the truth(tm) How Did It Make You Feel?
by LoisLane looking for Superman 63 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
No one likes to be fooled.
No one likes to be lied to and misled.
Shocked and betrayed beyond belief was how I felt.
oh yeah
my thoughts were 'those scumbags'
Julia Orwell
Free. The weight of the world lifted from my shoulders and my guilt evaporated. I was so relieved and happy, and felt a new connection with the human race. I was relieved and joyful that my parents weren't gonna be killed any day now and free from the distressing images of my beloved mother's body being pecked at by crows, and so happy that my little niece will grow up.
Then I felt indignant and burned with the tatt. But then fear. Fear of losing my husband and friends. Now I feel like I have a lot to do and the world is my oyster.
It's an interesting process which is by no means over.
thankfull that I had never brought anyone into.. and that my kids have grown up to be normal adults outside of it in real jobs supporting themselves inspite of a dreary senile elder telling one daughter that medicine was a waste of time... oh and all of the above. please dont expect any justice against them in this world. But according to their teachings they will die and have to face their reality in being resurected to face the results of their dogmas.
yes Julia. Is by no means over.
loislane you have a pm
Like roberta, relieved. I knew in literally three or four days from my initial taste of TTATT that I did not have to live that lifestyle anymore. It was like a mountain was lifted from my shoulders.
finally awake
I felt embarrassed that I ever believed such nonsense.
Frustrated because I realized I'd given more than thirty years of my life to an organization that did not care one bit about me; years that I could never get back.
Anger at myself because I'd kept my "worldly" parents at arm's length, and now that I was no longer a JW, they were gone.