AAWA, J M____ E______, and me

by zed is dead 577 Replies latest members private

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “Commonsense has prevailed - he has now finally revealed he has asked the question and the answer was as well all knew from day 1 - no consent was sought.”


    My apology for my typo. I didn’t notice it until your comment above.

    The person in AAWA I spoke with on this matter does not know that hundreds of persons were added to a Facebook account without their consent.

    Lack of information is why I’ve not shared this until now, and only now because you wanted to know what others beside Douglas, Jensen and Emerson had to say.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Dagney

    What a difference one word makes.

  • talesin

    She's trying to help you avoid obfuscation :-) unsuccessfully ;-(

    Thanks, Besty.

    Marvin, I appreciate your comments thus far. I am guessing that you are an older man, so giving you a bit of leeway, but calling me "silly" is very condescending. It spanks of the WT's attitude that women are not to be taken seriously,

    I'm disappointed that you would try to put me down in that way. Silly? Really?? If you wish, I can go into attack mode, and you will SEE how 'silly' I can be!

  • besty

    @marvin - Sounds like you need to speak to a manager.

  • talesin
  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “…calling me "silly" is very condescending.”


    Condescending? I recommend you review your tracks in this discussion.

    You are acting silly. Worse, you don’t give straightforward answers to straightforward questions! How would you characterize that?

    Think however you will. That’s how it should be.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Marvin...I for one am sick of reading yor crap. You have spent so much time making excuses...asking for info...taking the discussion around and around. I you had just gone back through the threads and READ them. you would have all the information we have and that you say you require. But you won't do that...just like AAWA won't remove their fb page. You are BOTH tiresome. The information is there...you just have to look.

    As a casual observation, and perhaps telling, JWN participants have suggested what I should and should not do in my search whereas no one among AAWA’s leadership or volunteers have suggested to me what I should or should not do in my search. One is a bit too Watchtowerish for my skin. But, this is a casual observation and I presume participants here advising me only mean well.

    This...just makes me distrust YOU, AWAA have proven themselves here to be liars. No one is telling you what to do, I for one culdn't care less what you do. AND we are not here to supply information FOR you either. WE have all taken the time to read ALL the informatio that has been out there. You are more than capable of doing the same. But instead you are filling up pages and pages with bullshit. So anyone who does want to find the facts of what has happened have a much harder job because they have to wade through all your nonsense. I'm not sure why you think you deserve special treatment here and that people should specifically go out of their way to give you information that you can find for yourself if you REALLY want to. People have told you that they have been harmed because of AAWA error which they are still refusing to rectify. What more do you need to know? Actually, scrap that last question. I don't care what you need to know. Anything you need to know you can go and find out for yourself.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “Marvin...I for one am sick of reading yor crap….”

    still thinking,

    I’m glad you got that out of your system, and I’m glad you had this place to do it.

    I’m not your enemy. I’m trying to help. I hope your hurting ends soon.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I don't need your patronising crap Marvin...your comments are tedious, I am not hurting. Go read the threads and stop behaving like a small child that wants everything handed to him on a platter.

    You are not my enemy...that is correct. Your comments are not worth my time. Get both sides of the story (READ) and make up your own mind. We are nothing like the governing body...unlike AWAA who want to force people to do things they have no idea they are even involved with. Take that up with them. We did not cause this mess...they did.

  • talesin

    Yeah, I'm tired of playing nice.... like ST said, and it bears repeating ...

    I don't need your patronising crap Marvin...your comments are tedious, I am not hurting. Go read the threads and stop behaving like a small child that wants everything handed to him on a platter.

    You are not my enemy...that is correct. Your comments are not worth my time. Get both sides of the story (READ) and make up your own mind. We are nothing like the governing body...unlike AWAA who want to force people to do things they have no idea they are even involved with. Take that up with them. We did not cause this mess...they did.

    You call me silly? I won't resort to name-calling. Why? Because I don't have to. You, on the other hand, have no premise to stand on.

    Investigation? PUH-LEAZE~!

    The facts stand alone .... I retract my apology ... you ARE obfuscating ... and doing a really poor job. I presume nothing, but my suspicion is that you are working with AAWA. If that is the case, you can tell your masters that this exJW, along with many others, is not willing to play your game. Cedars, Julia whats-her-name and J. Mason Douglas et al can BITE ME.

    Game, match, SET.


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