Yeah, I'm tired of playing nice.... like ST said, and it bears repeating ...
I don't need your patronising crap Marvin...your comments are tedious, I am not hurting. Go read the threads and stop behaving like a small child that wants everything handed to him on a platter.
You are not my enemy...that is correct. Your comments are not worth my time. Get both sides of the story (READ) and make up your own mind. We are nothing like the governing body...unlike AWAA who want to force people to do things they have no idea they are even involved with. Take that up with them. We did not cause this mess...they did.
You call me silly? I won't resort to name-calling. Why? Because I don't have to. You, on the other hand, have no premise to stand on.
Investigation? PUH-LEAZE~!
The facts stand alone .... I retract my apology ... you ARE obfuscating ... and doing a really poor job. I presume nothing, but my suspicion is that you are working with AAWA. If that is the case, you can tell your masters that this exJW, along with many others, is not willing to play your game. Cedars, Julia whats-her-name and J. Mason Douglas et al can BITE ME.
Game, match, SET.