AAWA, J M____ E______, and me

by zed is dead 577 Replies latest members private

  • zed is dead
    zed is dead


    I would suggest to you, out of kindness and love, to stop responding until you read a thread I will start in a few hours. Do not let yourself be made a fool of by Cedars. Many of your questions will be answered.


  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    "Amazing level of hypocrisy and shameful behavior: this demonstrates that she knew the risks but did it anyway - IMO that takes it out of the realm of "mistake due to overenthusiasm" and into it being pre-meditated and knowingly putting other people at harm because she believes that is what people should be doing and, well, she's happy to make that decision for them."

    I find this just hilarious. This must be from an instruction book of "How to make a fool of oneself".

  • talesin


    You have done SO much work to help us. I don't doubt that you are a wise and honourable man. Please, do not let these folks manipulate you into defending them ... they need to come clean, and correct their mistake. IMHO, they are using you to establish credibility.

    With much respect and love,


  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “I would suggest to you, out of kindness and love, to stop responding until you read a thread I will start in a few hours. Do not let yourself be made a fool of by Cedars.


    Your advice is well received, but there is no danger of being made a fool so long as a person is honest and objective in their gathering and presenting of information.

    I don’t care if people label me as a fool so long as my sharing is honest and objective. Honest people will recognize this and respond accordingly, and it’s honest people my concern is mainly of and for. Well-educated persons will recognize the same thing.

    Marvin Shilmer


      You will not provide any false personal information on Facebook, or create an account for anyone other than yourself without permission.

    I know this Rule is Enforced..

    When FB first came out..

    I tried to register as Cookie Monster multiple times..

    (LOL!!..True story..)

    While I think they were amused..I wasn`t getting on as Cookie Monster..

    Your not allowed to use False info on FB..

    ........................... photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • talesin

    Marvin, in my eyes, you are not a fool. You are a sincere, intelligent person who is being fed a line of BS by people you trust. AND you are making a sincere effort to 'get to the bottom' of a problem that disturbs you.

    Have faith,,, with so many people investigating,,,, telling their stories, etc. the truth will out!

    let's all take a deep breath,,, kay?



  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “IMHO, they are using you to establish credibility.”


    What you write is well received, and it is kind of you to think of my best interest.

    At one time or another we all use others. It’s part of the human experience. It’s unavoidable. Hence mature adults should be aware of this ever-present jeopardy, and they should also self-assess to make sure their using of people is honest in nature and not deceptive, and listen to peers who object to their methods.

    In this case if anyone is using me they do so at their own peril because my look at this whole thing is strictly on my terms. As I’ve asked precise questions to JWN participants, I’ve done with AAWA leadership. I’ll make of that what can be soundly deduced and not what anyone “here” or “there” wants me to make of it. I’ll not be steered.

    As a casual observation, and perhaps telling, JWN participants have suggested what I should and should not do in my search whereas no one among AAWA’s leadership or volunteers have suggested to me what I should or should not do in my search. One is a bit too Watchtowerish for my skin. But, this is a casual observation and I presume participants here advising me only mean well.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • AnnOMaly

    I tried to register as Cookie Monster multiple times..

    (LOL!!..True story..)

    While I think they were amused..I wasn`t getting on as Cookie Monster..

    How did they know that wasn't your legal name? You may have had kooky parents. LOL!

    How did they know that wasn't your legal name? You may have had kooky parents. LOL!

    Hey Ann!!..

    I really tried to not to use my real name..Plus I thought Cookie Monster was hillarious..

    I kept at it and they kept rejecting me..LOL!!..

    It finally occured to me there was an actual person reviewing the registry..

    I was never going to get in as Cookie Monster..LOL!!..

    I tried to get onto another Web Site as Fred Flintstone..

    The guy there finally got pissed off with me..


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  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    “…being fed a line of BS by people you trust.”


    It would be a mistake to think of a line of communication as trust.

    - No one from AAWA’s leadership or volunteer staff initiated communications with me for purposes of AAWA. My communication with AAWA leadership was initiated by me.

    - No one from AAWA has tried to suggest or reword questions I asked them or have asked here.

    When I’ve asked tough questions I got unambiguous answers. When asked whether I would accept answers by voice (by telephone for sake of convenience and time) my answer was no. Written answers was the only thing I’d accept, and there was no quibbling about it. I was given written answers.

    It's improbable—though not impossible—that AAWA’s top leadership would be willing to give me written and unambiguous answers to questions of my own making if those answers were anything less than authentic. The questions I’ve asked them are no less precise than questions I’ve asked here.

    Marvin Shilmer

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