AAWA, J M____ E______, and me

by zed is dead 577 Replies latest members private

  • talesin

    Yes, Marvin. I will point out one thing, if you don't mind? You said that one person seemed a bit "Watchtowerish" ... do you not see that some of the admin of AAWA are being the same?

    I know it can be hard to step 'outside the box' ,,, hell, don't we all have a hard time with that? But, sincerely, and with respect, perhaps you may need to do that. You are dealing with folks who are sincere in their intent, but perhaps the passion of their intent has led them to believe that the end justifies the means. Do you really want to be part of that?



  • talesin

    It's improbable—though not impossible—that AAWA’s top leadership would be willing to give me written and unambiguous answers to questions of my own making if those answers were anything less than authentic.

    Ahh, I just read this ... well, I think that some people, perhaps, may not hold the same code of honour as you.



  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “You said that one person seemed a bit "Watchtowerish" ... do you not see that some of the admin of AAWA are being the same?”


    My comment was said of attempts to steer me. Several here have attempted to steer me. So far no one in AAWA’s leadership has attempted to steer me.

    If you have something else in mind I’m not sure what it is. If you’re talking about AAWA attempting to secure an image, that’s not Watchtowerish; that’s a common reaction. This is not to say it’s right. It’s only to say that it’s not Watchtowerish. If you have something else in mind I can’t guess it off hand, but you’re free as always to say it.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “…may not hold the same code of honour as you.”


    I believe you miss my point.

    If we assume AAWA leadership is intellectually capable AND if we assume its acting dishonestly it would be all but impossible that it would give me straightforward answers in writing to questions of my own making. But I was given straightforward answers in writing to questions of my own making.

    This suggests AAWA’s leadership is could be intellectually capable OR acting dishonestly. But not both.

    In communications with AAWA’s leadership my impression is of varying degrees of capability. In general I’d say the leadership is intellectually capable. If true, there is suggestion of honest actions.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Simon

    Clever, honest people can make stupid decisions

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    This suggests AAWA's leadership is could be intellectually capable OR acting dishonestly. But not both.

    Why not both? Some of the worst criminals are quite intellectually capable. Even personable when they lie to your face. Madoff anyone?

    Bottom line is that Cedars has contacted at least one person on how to take care of the mess. Obviously he's accepted the fact that by proxy, it was by his doing that persons were added. He still hasn't the gonads to do so publicly. But then how public can a cartoon character be?

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “Clever, honest people can make stupid decisions.”



    Ergo, “all but impossible”.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “Why not both?”

    My statement is not to say or suggest it cannot be both.

    My statement is to say it’s unlikely to be both.

    Intelligent people out to deceive tend to avoid giving written straightforward answers to precise questions of someone else’s composition and choice.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Intelligent people out to deceive tend to avoid giving written straightforward answers to precise questions of someone else's composition and choice.

    Uh ok. So AAWA has been intelligent in giving vague answers and avoiding straightforward conversation. Wow creepy

  • talesin

    Marvin,,, you are saying YOU got straightforward answers.

    But, with respect,,, you don't speak for them, and you have been very clear on that point ... they are NOT answering ... the appearance of what is being presented, is that you are their mouthpiece ... after all, you are relaying their message ...... hmmmmmmmmm


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