He's a wanna be
AAWA, J M____ E______, and me
by zed is dead 577 Replies latest members private
we are now at page 27 of the thread and no closer to finding out whether Marvin is going to ask:
@ Marvin Shillmore - Given your hotline to AAWA please simply ask Julia Barrick Douglas, Jo Buel Jensen and J Mason Emerson whether they sought consent from the 800 people they added.
I will check back tomorrow.
After researching* the veracity of claims, I have no doubt whatsoever that people were added
After researching the veracity of claims, I have no doubt whatsoever that people were added without consent.
After researching the veracity of claims, I have no doubt whatsoever that people were added without consent. But this does not confirm the extent.
get a job shilling for the tobacco industry/oil and gas/whatever needs apologists...
*well done on the research - you would make a great 'consultant' - lots of billable hours - nothing we didn't know.
Besty, I have given Marvin every benefit of doubt, but at this point................
Look, man. Please. Maintain respect, and LET .... IT .... GO ... either you are part of the cover-up or they are using you. It's obvious. There is no shame in admitting you have been duped. The shame would be covering it up.
zed is dead
I started a thread about Cedars PM to me, and my answers:
I think it's a little unfair to accuse Marvin of making statements on behalf of the AAWA, he's just asking questions.
He's asking questions dozens of questions here, and yet seems minded to refuse asking a simple question to AAWA
I think it doesn't help that all the AAWA discussion is kept private / offline
please simply ask Julia Barrick Douglas, Jo Buel Jensen and J Mason Emerson whether they sought consent from the 800 people they added
Besty, Why does that question need an answer from those 3 individuals?
Has it not been clearly evidenced that there is no way the consent of 800, 1000,1300 people could have been acquired in less than 12 hours?
Many people only check Facebook every 24 hours or so. Still more may skip days without logging in. None of these individuals would have even seen a private message seeking their consent.
Do we seek an answer from them pesonally to vilify them? Do we seek an answer from them to scrutinize and dissect for another 27 pages?
A more pertinent question should be;
Considering the addition of 800 members that were added without consent and the security issues that have risen as a result, why has the Facebook Group not been rebooted?
Marvin Shilmer
“Marvin,,, you are saying YOU got straightforward answers.”
Yes, and I got them in writing.
“But, with respect,,, you don't speak for them, and you have been very clear on that point ... they are NOT answering ... the appearance of what is being presented, is that you are their mouthpiece ... after all, you are relaying their message ....”
Based on postings today, it looks like AAWA is willing to and has been communicating with more than me. In my case, I took the initiative and took opportunity to ask questions. It’s not been a difficult experience, but communication is not instantaneous.
AAWA has given me no message to share. AAWA has only answered questions I’ve asked them. I’ve shared that with you.
Marvin Shilmer