Why did you stop believing in God?

by The Quiet One 118 Replies latest jw experiences

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    I can't stop worrying that what I said may have offended some believers.. To be clear, I was only saying that Villagegirl was foolish in her comments, as Cofty highlighted, despite her qualifications.. Don't think I was saying that anyone who believes in a God, of whatever form, after being educated is a fool.. okay, Theists?

  • Tater-T

    when I saw this movie on Showtime .. and this exact point in the movie... sealed it for me.. I had beeen researching it for many years>>


    How would the world look any different, if there was no God?

    Why would God need YOU to believe in him?

    Why is it so important to people who believe in God .. that everyone else has believe TOO?

    Do YOU die because you Believe in Adam sin?... NO.. Are you saved because of Christ sacrifice or because you Believe IT... why Do you have to believe IT .. he either paid the price or didn't .. Why the condition of Believing IT is placed on IT?

    I understand why people believe.. they want TOO..

    Why would GOD kill you for what your mind believes?.. based on the evidence he has given you... Why is believing with out evidence tied to salvation?

    And last but not least.. If Jesus died for US ...Why did he have to be tortured too???? Dead is Dead..

  • Comatose

    I had to read this a few times to get it.

    Do YOU die because you Believe in Adam sin?... NO.. Are you saved because of Christ sacrifice or because you Believe IT... why Do you have to believe IT .. he either paid the price or didn't .. Why the condition of Believing IT is placed on IT?

    Wow. Nice reasoning.

  • Tater-T

    thanks .. should edit to say .. Why is the condition of believing It placed on IT... moved the IS..

    I just bought a dog at the pet shop is it mine because it believes It or that I paid for it?.... no matter what it believes I can take it home I bought IT..

  • Giordano

    I stopped believing in god when I began to see that what we have learned about the size and vastness of the universe trumps our simplistic belief systems. Jehovah is a backyard creation....... a sand dune god who is not capable of independent thought or action. He is consistently limited to what mankind knows....god waits on us to learn new things through science and then he is educated by the people who dreamed him up.

  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    After spending 30 years believing what the WTBTS told us and finding out most if not all of it is false and a bunch of crap, I am leaning towards not believing in the God of the Bible. There are so many thing that don't make sense and I have found so much relief not following any religion. I don't like their control. Where is the love, I sure never found it with the witnesses, on the contrary they were very unloving and a self centered group of people. They messed with my mental health which resulted in my physical health going so far down hill. I have been happy since getting out from under the nonsciense of that crazy religion. My greatest regret was not seeing it 30 years ago before I lost so many years of happiness with My family who were so afraid they would lose me to the cult for good.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury
    I had to read this a few times to get it.
    Do YOU die because you Believe in Adam sin?... NO.. Are you saved because of Christ sacrifice or because you Believe IT... why Do you have to believe IT .. he either paid the price or didn't .. Why the condition of Believing IT is placed on IT?
    Wow. Nice reasoning.

    I had to read it twice too. ... Exactly.

    If a ransom is paid to free hostages, does it make the slightest difference to the hostages whether they believe it has been paid or not? NO it doesnt.

  • Heaven

    One of things I get from Julia Sweeney's video posted by Tater-T is that wishing something were true does not mean that it is. Delusion is not reality.

  • villagegirl

    Cofty Writes :

    You are spouting banal platitudes as if you were

    saying something profound.

    Personally I know all about the many versions of theodicy,

    I have studied them intently and understand them fully.

    They are all vacuous.

    Really ?? So YOU are smarter and wiser than Max Planck who

    deveolped Quatum Theory and believes in God ??

    But YOU;

    to qoute you, "know all about the many versions of theoicy "

    And you think I am spoutin banal platitudes? What kind of

    banal platitudes do you listen to at Miltary ceremonies and

    what pround arguments convinced your son to join the military

    and put himself in harms way for a political machine,

    that kills the young of its own to defend corporations ?

    ( stay tuned for speech by Cofty on Mah Country, right or wrong

    and the 'Mercian Flag and "die with honor" never ask why )

  • Satanus

    Believing something doesn't make it true. Also, not believing something doesn't make it false.

    Therefore, faith is redundent. Also, disbelief is redundent. What is, is, no matter what.


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