The "Flood" in Noah's day--why wasn't that Armageddon enough?

by Terry 63 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Terry- I agree with your observation; it is true that beliefs are powerful and we all filter information uniquely in our own way.

    However, I'm sure you would agree, beliefs only go so far as a guide toward truth.

    I may firmly believe that the earth is flat- I have no doubt, I accept it my core. The hard, cold reality is beyond question however and empirically established by incontrovertible scientific evididence that the earth is, in fact, a sphere.

    Continuing to believe with all my heart the earth is flat may make me feel better, but my beliefs are not doing me any favors nor are they enhancing my knowledge of life as it is.

  • Terry


    I may firmly believe that the earth is flat- I have no doubt, I accept it my core. The hard, cold reality is beyond question however and empirically established by incontrovertible scientific evididence that the earth is, in fact, a sphere.

    Continuing to believe with all my heart the earth is flat may make me feel better, but my beliefs are not doing me any favors nor are they enhancing my knowledge of life as it is.


    Don't you think we could apply a PRACTICAL test to most beliefs and discover they don't pass the sniff test?

    How practical is belief in heaven or hell in everyday life?

    Belief or disbelief in the Trinity won't change a diaper or feed a family.

    Very smart arguments were made in times gone by PROVING the earth was flat. Those arguments were logical and practical, too.

    If, for example, the earth were actually a sphere like a ball that would mean people are standing upside down at the bottom!!


    Sounds silly and it is--but a very practical and logical argument.

    But, wrong.

    Trumped by facts and a knowledge of gravity. Sigh.

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    Cold Steel said: "Things aren't always as they appear in polite society. It's difficult to imagine intelligent beings burning and sacrificing their own infants to idols and giving way to gluttony, bebauched sexual practices and practicing the basest villiany possible to the point that they'rebeyond any hope of repentance." -- If that is the justification for the mass-murder of men women and children that occured with the Flood, what about all those innocent animals that were needlessly drowned? How was that justice?! I thought that He is a loving God that cares for each sparrow?? No apologist can ever answer this question..

  • Terry

    Occam's Razor need be applied!

    The simplest answer that meets the facts in compliance with evidence explains sufficient to our understanding.

    Undoubtedly there were tidal waves caused by volcanic eruptions such as the one that wiped out Thera, Crete and swamped the Medditerranean.

    Those who survived had to assign a "cause" which explained the reason for the devastation.

    Not having a science that included vulcanology they turned to a wrathful deity.

    Each civilization has its own proprietary story to mesh with its mythos.

    Otherwise, the Noah story is arbitrary, capricious and whimsical in its onslaught by a "loving" god fed up with His own creation.

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