Awesome experience Gojira! You're one smart cookie.
Sorry I haven't emailed u in a while - how r things going otherwise? I'll try email u this weekend.
by Gojira_101 107 Replies latest jw friends
Awesome experience Gojira! You're one smart cookie.
Sorry I haven't emailed u in a while - how r things going otherwise? I'll try email u this weekend.
jen she did tell me she could send it on, so chat to her bout it when she comes on, or pm her.
Hve you mde the connection with jah, jehovah yet ?
Take a look at my thread YHWH v YHVH i put a bit more info on there
Jehovah's Witnesses heading out to field service last Saturday morning in your local neighbourhood.
Gojira_101 has also mentioned the blood transfusion. If I was an ex-Jehovahs Witness I would probably do whatever can be done to get people out of the cult. Especially those you were talked into the cult by Witnesses who later became ex-Witnesses. It must be such a burden. By the way, who of the "Lightbringers" is responsible for this doctrine and how many people had to die, since this "new light doctrine" came out? If a court would investigate this "new light doctrine" could it be, that the whole "channel" has to go to prison, or could it be that the Watchtower Society runs out of money within a second, or both? To talk people even kids into refusing blood transfusion is disgusting and detestable.
Jen i don't know how the laws are in U.S but in europe there would be a very strong case for crimes against humanity I think, child abuse, paedo's, fraud (lies, deception) maybe even money laundering (not sure) manslaughter. obtaining money under false pretence. etc.
Jen2013: I went to It is good that they [WT] put all their books and magazines online. It makes it very easy to compare and to find all their mistakes and misinterpretations
Jen- The problem is WT puts very little of their literature on their website. The older literature, which is the most damning, is neither on their website nor on the WT Library cd-rom. There's a reason for that. A person must either have a personal library of older publications or read it online from non-JW sources.
The Watchtower volumes on the cd-rom only go back to 1950; the WT has been in print contimually since 1879
The Awake! mag on the cd-rom only goes back to 1970; the Awake! has been in print since 1919 (if my memory is correct).
JW.Org publications only go back ten years- why do you think that is?
Gojira: If you get baptized and your kids don't accept the "truth" and you continue to talk to them, you will be df'ed." She then said again she will not shun her kids and every time she did I said but if you are baptized you will be df'ed. I think by about the 3rd or 4th time of me saying that she started to get it.
Black Sheep: "I bet you can't find a single WT article to back up that statement with."
I agree with Black Sheep: you will not find any direct statement in WT literature saying that if a JW associates with non-JW relatives they'll be disfellowshiped. However, a qualifier to this is, as most here know, there's what's in print and then there's the REAL rule. Associating with any non-JWs is not looked upon kindly by the Organization. If this is a regular activity of a baptized JW and it becomes known to the Elders it would result in strong counsel and possibly censure. To Black Sheep's point, I would correct my statement to the person Gojira is speaking to by telling her she would not be DF'd for associating to her non-JW relatives but it would most likely create conflict in her life within the congregation. The reality of the matter is, a JW is expected to cut off most, or all, of their ties with non-JW friends and relatives once they become baptized. A JWs life must become insular and association is expected to remain exclusively with other JWs.
w93 8/1 p. 19 pars. 15-17 Let No One Spoil Your Useful Habits
Family ties are particularly strong in some cultures, giving rise to many invitations to meals. Obviously, a balanced view is important, as Jesus manifested. (Luke 8:20, 21; John 2:12) In our dealings with neighbors and relatives, are we inclined to carry on as we did before we became Christians?Rather, should we not now review such dealings and consciously determine what limits are appropriate?
16 Jesus once likened the word of the Kingdom to seeds that "fell alongside the road, and the birds came and ate them up." (Matthew 13:3, 4, 19) Back then, soil along a road became hard as many feet walked back and forth on it. It is that way with many people. Their lives are filled with neighbors, relatives, and others coming and going, keeping them busy. This, as it were, tramples the soil of their hearts, making it hard for seeds of truth to take root. A similar unresponsiveness could develop in one who is already a Christian.
17 Some worldly neighbors and relatives may be friendly and helpful, though they have consistently shown neither interest in spiritual things nor love for righteousness. (Mark 10:21, 22; 2 Corinthians 6:14) Our becoming Christians should not mean that we become unfriendly, unneighborly. Jesus counseled us to manifest genuine interest in others. (Luke 10:29-37) But equally inspired and necessary is Paul’s counsel to be careful about our associations. As we apply the former counsel, we must not forget the latter. If we do not keep both principles in mind, our habits can be affected. How do your habits compare with those of your neighbors or relatives as respects honesty or obeying Caesar’s law? For instance, they may feel that at tax time, underreporting income or business profits is justified, even necessary for survival. They might speak persuasively about their views over a casual cup of coffee or during a brief visit. How could that affect your thinking and honest habits? (Mark 12:17; Romans 12:2) "Do not be misled. Bad associations spoil useful habits."
@ Black Sheep: The WT doesn't just come out and say it bluntly, but the inference is there. One thing you have to understand is deaf people because of their language and culture do not understand inference, those subtle hidden meaning information. It just doesn't work. WT has in their literature inferred that the person will be punished (df'ed) for talking to them.
Also Black Sheep, I have done the research. It took a good 6 months after my awakening, but I know more about Wt then I ever have, even as a JW.
(edited for spelling)
I am not sure about a parent being DF if they continue to talk to their non responsive non JW children. But we do hear of situations that by the time a child is 18 they are often told to move out if they stop going to meetings and living the JW live style.
@ Steve2: There are personal reason I know about her that I can't mention and I really don't want to tell anyone her personal life. There are many factors involved with her not being baptized. Yesterday I know she was researching because she kept txt'ing me asking me to clarify some things.
I do understand where you are coming from, but the things I saw in her are the same exact things I saw in myself, my parents and my husband. And the same things she said to me are the same exact things I have seen all the other ones who have awakened do and say.
One good thing though, is because I have been there, and I understand the feelings and what she is going through, I can help her through it, whereas myself, I had to figure out everything alone.