NEW video on Youtube MUST SEE! the elder's meeting is ridiculous!

by Newly Enlightened 132 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    Going back to the Viagra tie for a moment.

    This seems like a promotional item to me. Was this dude that cheap to wear a tie just to be wearing a tie and conform to idiotically imposed dress code? What if Playboy was handing out the freebies that day...

    Am I missing somethig here? Why in the world would you wear such a tie? I have not seen any Tylenol ties out there...

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    If I remember correctly, it was given to him at an insurance seminar. I have no idea why they would be handing out Viagra ties to ins. people. Then why would a P.O/COBE wear it is another big question.

    He would also tell Viagra jokes!

  • Gojira_101

    Yan Bibiyan: I know it is hard to believe...but one thing is this elder...always gave me the creeps because he was the type that would look leer at all the sisters. Even the young girls.

    Even when he was not wearing his Viagra tie...he was always telling inappropriate (sexual) jokes. The two women who worked at his insurance company (both JW sisters), were very young and attractive sisters. He leered at them all the time too. One of the sisters was married to my uncle and I remember one time she made a comment under her breath about the PO/COBE telling sexual jokes at work, and some sexual harassment.

    So this elder beefstick wasn't a good person....when I first met him I pegged him as a pervert right away.

    Another interesting fact. When we moved into this congregation, there were several of the "friends" who warned us of elder Beefstick, and warned my mom and I not to be alone with him and if we had any dealings with him to watch ourselves because he would take our words and use them against us. When my parents post the second part of the story as to what happened after this meeting, the follow up the elders made, the elder tried to use my parents words against them, but it didn't work because the meeting was taped.

    I know it's hard to see elder Beefsticks personality in just a short 60min tape, but after being in the same hall with him for 6 years...he was a real piece of work. I'm hoping my parents will explain some of the other things elder Beefstick did while in that hall....he admitted to the cong he stole money, but the "friends" never even caught on to it..

    Mom and dad, you need to explain what other things elder Beefstick did while in this Hall.


  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Yes, we are working on it. Hopefully we'll get it done and posted by this Sunday.

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    Well, for all you know, elder beefstick may have taken one to the crouch from a sister if he overstepped boundaries in a private setting.

    I'd need Viagra too afterwards...

  • problemaddict

    I listened to the entire thing. I WISH I would have taped some of my meetings (I had 6), while being removed. I don't know if I could post them, but even a transcript would be pretty amazing. Good on you guys.

    I am still trying to figure our who in damn hell, considers damn and hell swear words...

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    What the hell? I shouldn't be saying all these damn swear words! What would they have done if I would have used the 'F' word?

  • flipper

    NEWLY ENLIGHTENED- As your husband, you, and I chatted about the other day - If this Elder beefcakes sitting near the camera REALLY thought your book was allegedly " dangerous " - then why in the hell would he BUY it and put himself in supposedly " spiritual harms way " ? In comparison it makes about as much sense as elders trying to bust some JW teenagers for looking at a Penthouse, Hustler, or a porn magazine - then telling the JW teenager " I had to buy this magazine to see WHAT exactly you were reading and looking at so I'd know what the content was. " I mean, it's ludicrous. That is if he REALLY felt your book was so " dangerous " - allegedly. These eldes are freaking morons. You and your husband handled it extremely well ! Give yourself a pat on the back because we are all giving you one ! You both deserve it ! Well done ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

    P.S. I mean just to sit there for an hour and put up with the elders stupidity is admirable all by itself ! LOL !

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Thank you Flipper: Yes, I was embarrassed just sitting there listening to that crap. I was really upset at the time because they were messing with my livelyhood. I haven't even tried to get anything published for the past 10 yrs.

    But now, I find it hilarious at how ridiculous it all was. Now, I would just throw them out of my house and tell them to get the hell out of here!

  • Brother of the Hawk
    Brother of the Hawk

    I'm working on a follow-up of what happened after the elders meeting to post, hopefully, this weekend, but last Monday night I had 2 elders show up un-announced and am dealing with our present execution/crucifixion.

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