NEW video on Youtube MUST SEE! the elder's meeting is ridiculous!

by Newly Enlightened 132 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Some good ones guys!

    Those old farts probably haven't read anything like that in 50 years!

    Brother of the Hawk did an awesome job of getting that P.O/COBE, Brother Viagra to squirming.

  • Oubliette

    OMG, "He made passionate love to her ..."

    This is shocking speech! Who can listen to it?

    Did the elder really have a problem with that passage? REALLY?

    That is so "PG."

    What morons!

    Do these guys have children? If so, how did THAT happen?

  • Oubliette

    What the heck is a "Viagra tie"?

    Is it this:


    Back side

    Or this:


    Or something else???

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Oubliette: Sorry, that was 10 years ago. But to the best of our memory, it had a blue background kind of like picture #3 but the wording was larger and it had little blue pills all over it.

  • wannaexit

    I enjoyed the video very much. The elders are such embecils. They apply Matt 18 when it suits them.

    What is the title of the book, id love to purchase it.

  • Brother of the Hawk
    Brother of the Hawk

    NE here. Sorry, as far as I know it's no longer in print.

    Someone in an earlier post mentioned there were a few copies out there. But I wouldn't want to use this site to advertise it.

    The title was 'The Devil's triangle' ISBN # 1-59146-001-8

  • happy@last

    They are numpties, and plainly making an issue over something that had nothing to do with them. I found it interesting that they changed their story on how they heard about the book, and the 'humanity' side coming out in suggesting using a pen name.

  • Gojira_101

    What got me is the fact that those elders would have been alright if mom had used a pen name. It makes no sense to me. If my mother committed a sin, then why tell her it would have been OK if you used a pen name. There is so much contradiction with these two. If this doesn't prove to anyone these men aren't God's chosen people then I don't know what will. Buffoons comes to mind.

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Thank you everyone. Because of all the great comments and support, I decided to continue with my writing and publishing. I just contacted the publisher that originally published the book and discovered that they had been bought out by a large Canadian Multi-media company. So I asked them if they would be interested in re-publishing it. I will keep everyone posted

  • RayPublisher

    It is ALL about appearances with the Dubbs...never forget that 99% of what they do is done to impress their peers and give a good witness to the "world". We all did it when we were in...

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