British zone visit from David Splane - a report from the special meeting in Glasgow

by slimboyfat 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • gma-tired2

    My sister in Northwest US just received a special invitation delivered to her personally, must be such a meeting coming to her area. She is acting so secretive it making some members of the family nervous wondering why the secretsy.

    We wonder because she has now started shunning members of the family that lives in the same home and encouraging mom to do the same.

  • designs

    David Splane should go on a world lecture tour. More JWs will leave after hearing from this crazy guy than any campaign we could ever mount.

  • Scott77

    "...They are having good success preaching to deaf people...deaf say JWs are the best signers in the world, much better than professionals. The society produces literature in Welsh, Irish, Gaelic and sign language, even though all those people can understand English, just because it produces a good impression in the language communities.

    I think, the society in this instance is lieing here. The society is a master of manipulation and deceiption. Most of their biblical signs have no foundation within the Deaf Community. I had difficulties understanding their videos. How many deaf people are JWs in Britain and Ireland? If there is a mushrooming number of sign language congregations,its not because more Deaf people are joining the TTATT. Its about more hearies from sorrounding congregations who join 'new' language groups.


  • steve2

    Some commentators observe that many people become deaf after joining the organization - deafness enables them to ignore the growing noise that the organization peddles rubbish.

  • Scott77


    Is the difference between growth of Jehovah Witnesses in Ireland and Britain in 2002 statistically significant from those of the same country in 2012?


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Yep, sounds like Splane. And it's common among GB 2.0 to think that everything can be "fixed" with some nutrageous soundbite. I could imagine him reasoning with grieving parents, "So sorry to hear that your child died from refusing blood. But look on the bright side, your child is waiting for you in paradise, and now you and your wife have plenty of free time to pioneer. So pull yourself up by your bootstraps and get busy so you don't feel sad."

    Special events like this grew increasingly lame. There would be so much speculation about some revelation beforehand, and then it was just much ado about nothing. Well, except that there were contributions needed to cover the expenses, and everybody had to bend over backward to please "Christ's brothers". And I suppose people were lined up after the program to shake his hand like he's the freakin' pope.

    "His first major point was that no one needs to go to college or university."

    He sure didn't need any kind of education. Splane was just another Gilead graduate out of the crowd of mindless drones... except he "discovered" he was "anointed" by nibbling the crackers and sipping the wine with a straight face. Then all the doors opened for him. He kissed the right asses and wowed the crowds in English and French. And this WT gig is all he's got. If the cult collapsed, he'd be unskilled and unemployed.

  • Scott77

    He [Splane] knows a brother who got a good job without going to university, therefore that one experience proves that no one needs a college education. Besides, Jehovah blesses those who pioneer, and "serving Jehovah is the best retirement fund"

    Is br. Splane a college graduate? How is Mr. Splane earning his living? What kind of job is that brother he allegedly know is doing? Is that br. on public benefits while at the sametime, holding his 'job'? Is that job full time or partime? Because the majority of Jehovah's Witnesses are into this, no, Iam not going to speculate that Brother's job is window washing and therefore,no education is required. Who is paying for that brother's health insurance? Is that brother a family man or a single one? What has happneded to those pioneered the rest of their lives including those ones at Bethel? Mr. Splane,we need more specefic details.


  • ShirleyW

    "He said some people may ask why JWs don't take blood. Tell them "well JWs don't like to get AIDS". And if they ask why we don't smoke, telll them "JWs don't like cancer either", thus crassly comparing blood transfusions to smoking"

    What a pompous tool this guy is !! Like all the other religions on the planet just look forward to the day they're diagnosed with AIDS or cancer.

    This guy needs to grow a tumor the size of basketball on his left nut, then what would he say?

  • mP

    I guess all those JW that get cancer must be secret smoking. Someone better call NY and get those cancer suffers D/F

  • konceptual99

    Ta very much sbf. Our cong never got an invite thank goodness. The anti education rehtoric is coming out at pretty much every meeting these days so it's no surprise they used the zone visit to spout on about it again.

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