Moses Unedited - "Rank and file Witnesses are not shielded from the evolving global economy in the way that the Watchtower leadership is."
That's an astute observation about the GB that a some of us tend to forget, I think.
It certainly helps explain a lot of their "WTF were they thinking?" policy decisions; they simply cannot grasp how the real world functions.
slimboyfat - "That's a good point about the GB now making themselves solely responsible for policies as the F&DS. There is no one else to blame now when they get stuff wrong."
Or when lives are seriously and/or irreparably damaged.
It's funny (strange, not ha-ha); the past decade or so, they gave the impression they were taking steps to distance themselves from congregations to decrease their degree of liability (for acts committed by individual R&F JWs). Now, however, it seems like they've reversed that policy and deliberately taken on an increase of liability.
It's a matter of public record that recently (during the brief period the GB tried legally distancing themselves) some congregations "got uppity" and acted to keep ownership of the KHs for themselves (to keep the WTS from selling them out from under them), and/or fully up and broke off their afilliation to the WTS entirely.
The WTS has always been about proctecting its assets, and real estate holdings are their biggest. They may have guaged the risks of taking on more liability verses the risks of losing property investments and chose the former over the latter as the lesser of two evils.
Another reason could be deduced by examining the recent history of Herbert Armstrong's Assembly of God. When Armstrong kicked and the AOG heirarchy went orthodox, the previously huge and largely unified Church association splintered like a frozen pine in a stiff wind. In the information-saturated environment of the 21st Century, I can well imagine that the GB would be f**king terrified of that happening to the WTS.
It would be the end of their way of life.
The way I see it, the GB - by "making themselves solely responsible for policies as the F&DS" - are, in effect, "doubling down" in what's become a high-stakes poker game.
I could be wrong.