Got a angry letter from our oldest son today we are very hurt from it.

by TotallyADD 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • TotallyADD

    When I got home today from work my wife showed me a 5 page letter from our oldest son. He basically said he does not what anything to do with us because of all the wrong things we did as parents to him and his brother. He blames us for not being there for him and we are toxic parents. I agree with him on some of the things he brought out but on many things I feel he is wrong. About 6 weeks ago we were talking on the phone with him and he asked when we was going to let everyone in our family know we were not JW anymore. We told him we was planning to send a letter to his family why we left. He then ask us if it was alright for him to tell his family. We told him that would be find. The next day there was a message on the phone from him that his wife went ballistic on the news and to give him a call on his cell phone. For the next serveral weeks I been calling and calling leaving messages but he never return the call. Until today we was thinking his wife told him not to have any contact with us instead we got a copy of a letter about how bad we were as parents. Back in 2007 after going through over a year of therapy I took both our boys grown boys camping for the purpose of apologizing to both of them and hope they would forgive me for being a abusive parent to them. My abuse was shouting at them and making them to WT things. I was very hard on them. I know that. I wish I could have change the past but I was raised by very abusive WT cult thinking parents. Through the years I have told him how I regetted the way I raised them in the WT cult. He himself left many years ago and I was happy he was free of the cult. But this letter shows he is very angry with us. I feel the cult thinking has trigger something in him.

    I read the letter only once then folded it up and put it away feeling very hurt. My goal has been for many years to end this desfuntion in our family but I guess I have failed. My wife is very hurt. She is not home now because she had to go to work after I got home and will not be home until 10 PM tonight. I have wrote a letter to our son and this is what it says. "Dear Son, I amso sorry how you feel. Both your mother and I feel your anger and wish things would have been better for you. We just want you to know that our love for you is unconditional and we will always be here for you. Life is very short and happiness is what is most important. I hope you will find in your heart to someday forgive us. Your mom and I both love you very much and wish the best for you and your beautiful family. Please remember we are here for you always. Your loving father." My hope this will touch his heart so he will speak to us so we can talk this out. This is why I hate this cult so much. It ruins the best of intentions. With a very sad heart. Totally ADD

  • minimus


    I can understand your child's anger.

    Just do what you said, keep on loving your family.

  • cofty

    I'm sad to hear about the damage to your relationship with your son and his family.

    We all would have been different parents if we were not in the cult. You're letter is excellent, I hope he responds positively.

  • jgnat

    Well, if he had gone to HIS therapist, he would have been told not to send the letter. It is therapeutic to vent the anger on a safe medium like paper, and damaging to mail it!

    Your reply is the best that can be.

    Now, all you can do is be available. This might not fix itself in a few weeks like you hope.

    You and your wife can have a good cry over this (avoid blame and recriminations; what is done is done).

    I also suggest that you destroy the letter. Have a BBQ and burn some incense along with the letter. A sweet-smelling savour so to speak.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I was furious with my for enabling major abuse. An agency told her the most she could hope was that I would forgive her someday but I would never forget as long as I lived. My life happened. When all other stopped being there, my mom was present. Time gave me the advantage of seeing how I messed up despite my own vows. Since coming to this forum, I further realize that my JW mom gave me far more exposure to the world and lted the impact of the KH bs than she did.

    Time may help the rage. Abuse is generational. It does not happen and then disappear. Childhood abuse warps you for life. The best parents fail.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Well, if I got a note like that from my shitass cunt of a mother, I would certainly take notice.

    My mother has yet to admit (yet apologize) to my sister and I about her abuse towards us.

    I think that your letter is the best any parent can do under the circumstances. Give it time and more love than you can imagine.

    Please don't beat yourselves up about it.

    JGNAT -

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Totally ADD, Your acknowledgement of your son's pain and your apology for the mistakes you and your wife made will hopefully help your son to begin to heal. You wrote a beautiful response.

  • MrFreeze

    Sorry to hear that Totally ADD, I can't even imagine.

  • Watchtower-Free

    My heart goes out to you .

    This cult causes so much pain

  • LisaRose

    I am so sorry that your son has been unable to forgive you, hopefully he find it in his heart to forgive you and heal. I apologised to my children for raising them in a cult. We have a fairly good relationship, but we are not as close as I would like to be, I will always wonder if things would have been different if we hadnt been dubs. At this point it his his issue to deal with, no matter what may have happened when he was growing up, it is his choice whether to move on or stay stuck in the past.

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