Got a angry letter from our oldest son today we are very hurt from it.

by TotallyADD 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • love2Bworldly

    TotallyADD-- I feel your pain. Not sure how old your kids are, but my middle son is now 23 and I am realizing why we have not been close for many years until recently. He is working through his issues of everything I did wrong as a mother and he used to blame me for everything (I was a single mom).

    As young people change & grow up, they go through a lot of different stages. When they are really little, they think their parents walk on water, when they are teenagers they think their parents are bad etc, when they become young adults-- they blame their parents for everything until they realize their parents did the best they could. But some people never really get that epithamy that their parents did the best they could. My childhood was extremely dysfunctional and I did blame my parents for many many years, until one day I realized they did the best they knew how because they were emotionally sick. Now I really am amazed by my parents' accomplishments, (but not their parenting skills obviously).

    Your letter was perfect. It was short and loving and non blaming. I hope your son will have an epithamy one day and see that you did your best.

  • Auntfancy

    I am sorry you are going through this. Your letter was very kind and if you have to continue to tell him you are sorry then keep doing it. I would consider going to counciling with him as he suggested. An impartial person will also help him see that he needs to forgive and move on. My husband and I both told our son we were sorry for the way we treated him and things between us are very good at this point. My husband and I also started to see a therapist before we woke up and it then helped us to see the crazyiness of the religion. If you get a good therapist it can work wonders for your family all the way around. I hope things get better for you and just keep hanging in there and don't give up. He is angry right now and hopefully that will lesson as time goes on. His wife may have also fired him up and if she wasn't a JW she doesn't understand the control they have over your life.

  • Auntfancy

    oops! I wrote my response before I finished reading the thread. Do you think you could ask your son to come over without his family. Maybe if you could sit and have an adult conversation between the three of you he might see that you are trying and you have made a lot of changes. My dil gave us some trouble too but that has been mended. For us being in the religion was a huge thing with her and now that we are out things are much better. Hang in there.

  • TotallyADD

    Thank you Auntfancy for your concern. My lives 600 miles from us. So coming over is not a options. Again we will see if he will respond to my letter. Totally ADD

  • flipper

    BTTT. Hang in there my friends

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