Symposium: Beware of Apostates! - 'God's Word is Truth!' District Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses 2013 - not on JW.ORG

by mindnumbed 121 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • HarryMac

    Yup, they are taking a calculated risk mentioning apostates. Surely they aren't so dense as to not realize that some curious ones are going to now have a peek to see what's up. On the other hand.. scare the crap out of the rest.. maybe stop some bleeding.

    It reeks of desperation. The real truth is on their heels.

    I hope they enjoy that.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Who is creating the most chaos and trouble in most JW Congregations? I can tell you it's the bad elders, bad MS and bad pioneers and bad rank-and-filers who push the sheep out of the Congregation. This creates the momentum for the sheep to find a reason why their Congregation is acting so self-righteous and pharisee like. Next stop, the Internet where a process of discovery takes place, the fader now finds out they have a common and shared experience with these falsely labled Apostates or other Faders who left the Organization for a reason of conscience. Next, the Apostate is a Boogey Man the Tower is trying to blame for all the Faders and others who leave when they see this is not the Truth! Propaganda at it's best, just like the brochure Rutherford made for Hilter, the Organization has attacked Jews and they did kiss up to Hilter to get a foot-hold in Germany and they lie about this too!

    The gross lack of love and vile gossiping with hateful speech has many people looking on the internet for answers to see if JWs have the Christian teachings of the First few centuries. They are covering their own ass by making excuses for their loss of members, they won't admit it's their incompetence and acting like the Shepherds of Ephfriam who sheered the sheep and stayed drunk while the wolves plundered the Master's belongings.

    As long as the GB and Bethel Speakers can travel all around the World, we don't have to worry about taking care of the sheep or putting money into a better teaching program to make the elders more competent instead of robots who are not allowed to think, they just read their own tele-prompter!

  • zound

    A point on the Hitler letter. Stephen Lett gave a talk "Beware of Strangers" (in a previous assembly) he mentioned that the apostates had started a news report that JW's collaborated with Hitler - then he went on to say in the next sentence - "this couldn't be true because look at all the JW's that were killed in Hitlers concentration camps".

    In a sentence he martyrs all those dead JW's to support a lie. What a c**t.

  • steve2

    Repeatedly warning the rank and file about apostates is a back-handed compliment to the influence of former JWs in helping current Witnesses question the organization's haughty claims and cultish policies and practices. There are few things as threatening to the authority of the GB as people who are beginning to see through the veneer of hypocritical religiosity. Harp on, threaten and stir up fear all you like, servants of the GB, but your plastic spirituality and bogus claims to Truth melt under the scrutiny of clear-eyed thinking.

  • HarryMac

    Well, in my case, years of bound volumes, meetings, studies, talks, etc... slipped away with the reading of 'In Search of Christian Freedom'.

    One book! Actually, I was mentally out before even being half done. That's powerful. GB kryptonite!

    Like my little brother said... 'no wonder they are so afraid of a person reading this type of literature... no intelligent person could ever be a Jehovah's Witness after reading it'.

  • Designer Stubble
    Designer Stubble

    Thanks Niveau for posting the transcript on Satan. I took the liberty to copy this on JWR. Thanks for your efforts.

  • joe134cd

    What a total load of Bull shit. Been portrayed as nasty vindictive people who want to make disiciples of there own. For one thing if JW is your thing and you are happy then you go for it. If I was a full on apostate I wouldnt even waste my time trying to picket an assembly, as I know I am far more effective on the internet. I also realize that openly expressing my views is going to lead to a JC and to be honest I just couldnt be bothered with it. Wanting to draw others away and make a new cult sorry dont have the time or the energy to do it either.

  • kjg132

    marked going to listen tomorrow

  • fresh prince of ohio
    fresh prince of ohio

    unknowing JW: "mr. speaker! mr. speaker! This business about the Watchtower supporting Hitler, obvious nonsense! Truly shocking! But, I am curious. What exactly was said by these vile apostates, to whom, and in what context? What historical documents were involved in this blatantly satanic attempt to discredit our loving theocratic organization? I'd like to know, so that if an occasion where I would need to do so arises, I can fully defend the truth against these slanderers."

    mr. convention speaker: "oh ho ho ho ho. HO HO HO HO!!!!! You don't need to know ANY of the details. Funny that you would even ASK for them. YOU aren't an apostate, are you? What's your name son, what congregation do you attend?"

  • Pistoff


    This new kingdom was not dubbed "Jehovah's Kingdom" by the early Christian writers. The GB use the preaching of their particular brand of 'good news' as proof that one is a true Christian.

    The GB are not interested in portraying or following Jesus; Jesus questioned religious authority, the GB can’t have that.

    AND Jesus ATE with sinners, tax collectors, whores; that puts in perspective talking to someone who doesn’t go to the kingdom hall anymore, right? If Jesus could survive a meal with outcasts, why can’t JW’s, SO strong in their faith, have a word with a faded relative?

    WHO are these wicked wicked apostates anyway??

    This is so over the top, I agree that it will do more damage than good.

    It is obvious that the GB does not get why membership is flat or declining; their lack of leadership and the appalling poor quality of writing, not to mention the CONSTANT tampering with doctrine. Oh, and they led everyone to think they didn’t need college, didn’t need retirement savings, the new system would take care of that.

    They think it must be those who have left that are doing the damage; GB, look in the mirror. If you had compelling doctrine, and allowed congregations to do the things real fellowships do, you would be gaining members. Even the Mormons, who still believe that American Indians are the lost tribes, aren’t doing as bad as the witnesses.

    So in this talk, which I think should be somehow made public, the apostates are compared to Satan, demons, they are called wicked, they are compared to the family addict.

    First of all, does this remind you of that old saying, when you don’t have the law or the facts on your side, attack the source?

    And for them to reference addiction counselors and behavior therapists is the absolute ultimate in hypocrisy; the WT HATES those guys. Until 1983 they condemned AA type programs as being religious in nature, not allowed for witnesses. They say the Lord’s prayer there, you know, can’t have that!! Better to stay in active addiction and listen to the WT that tells you it is a moral weakness, better to continue ruining your family, but for God’s sake don’t go to AA!

    So now not wanting to go to the kingdom hall anymore is the same as being a meth addict, a heroin addict, a chronic alcoholic??

    Let’s follow that reasoning: addiction, as viewed by the SAME counselors they reference, is an inborn thing, it is a disease that can be treated; addicts have a different makeup and are susceptible to addiction.

    So if apostates are like addicts, they were born that way, it is not their fault. Their recovery or relapse, obviously, is their responsibility.

    And the family is encouraged to be involved in SUPPORT for the addict who enters treatment; does the GB want us to be involved in the lives of apostates?

    Clearly, evidently, the GB did not think this one through. I wonder about those in the audience who have had family members in treatment; what will they think of this dunderheaded talk??

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