The TOPIC which may never be discussed!

by Terry 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Violia

    Almost always any jws charity will only be to those who served in higher positions etc. Worldly churches do not require you be a Star member to get assistance.

  • braincleaned

    Great post, as usual Terry.

  • LongHairGal


    I feel badly for the person you are talking about and the religion has the hypocrisy to tell somebody they should "go ask shunned relatives for money". (I am assuming they said it exactly like that.) I wish her Good Luck.

    I know there are different degrees of shunning but to be perfectly honest, I would politely decline some relative (or any JW) who came to me asking for money. I have non-JW relatives who act as if I don't exist and it has nothing to do with the JW religion.

    The religion has created a fiasco of monumental proportions with all the categories of needy people in the religion who are looking for handouts. I am sure they are already nicely targeting anybody in the congregations who is still hanging onto their job. And I am referring to people who, in all likelihood, were criticized for working. This is adding insult to injury. This is why I am glad I am out of there.

    Let's just say that some of the dwindling number of responsible working people are approached to give some money. Will this be just a one-time or some-time thing? Hell no. This will be a regular thing.

    I expect that the congregations will lose more responsible working people who will quickly get tired of this garbage!

  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    The number of TOPICS JW's will never discuss is endless.....

    Maslow's hierarchy of needs

    That's why JW's work so very hard to knock you down with fear and guilt. It's why they are so afraid of prosperity preacher's and self help guru's in mega churches. If for no other reason then to control you.

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