You know you're getting old when...

by nonjwspouse 95 Replies latest social humour

  • prologos

    when vinyl records were the latest

    in the HOUSE 2 HOUSE work. no need to follow canned vocal examples from the service meeting.

    then you know now that you were the first layer of the coming overlap(s) generation(s)

  • StAnn

    Prologos, good one. How about when you did streetcorner witnessing by wearing cardboard placards and walking up and down the street?

  • prologos

    yeah, when you were slim enough to fit the sandwich board(s).

    now, after all those sandwiches,

    its would be more more like a rotunda walking.

    even for many of the young ones.

  • LisaRose

    I remember when 8 track was cutting edge. I remember typewriters, IBM Selectrics were so cool, you could backspace and automatically correct! I remember when a mainframe computer took up a whole room, and probably had less memory than my Kindle fire. I remember when we got IBM286 computers at work, that was cutting edge then, of course they were replaced a year later. I remember the dawn of email, we had no Outlook to save them, we had to print them all!

  • haboob48

    when you can't remember your childs age til a "Kidz Bop'' commercial comes on........................LOL just kidding!

  • sarahsmile

    I can remember attending eight day assemblies evey year.

    When girls were forbidden to wear pants to school.

    When majority of women stayed at home to take care of their children.

    T.V. had big tubes in them.

    I Had one of those IBM typewriters.

    And I thought special street work was fun! At least I think it was called working the streets.Now they ride buses.

  • smiddy

    What about the vertical and horizontal hold , control knobs that you had to adjust to stop the screen from scrolling or moving too left or right off screen.


  • smiddy

    sarahsmile , you were working the streets ? We have another name for it here .


  • sarahsmile

    I remember when people would laugh because they called it street work.LOL

    What did they call there pimping?

  • sarahsmile

    oh yeah the knobs on the t.v.

    We had to sit real close to the t.v. to adjust the picture.

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