You know you're getting old when...

by nonjwspouse 95 Replies latest social humour

  • stillin

    I remember when that huge tree in Mom's yard was a sapling.

    i see a picture of my Dad, who was always OLD, and he looks like a punk at 40!

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    That's cool stillin

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I remember when saying "Thats cool" was cool...LOL

  • stillin

    Ha! Now "that's cool" is Mickey Mouse, man.

  • Giordano

    When you to have explain that your Woodstock was the first damn Woodstock!

  • d

    I can remeber the first supernintendo. I also remeber bulky computers, life before facebook and twitter and youtube.I remeber getting my first walkman in 1997 I felt like wow this is so great now we have Ipads.Its is amazing how fast times goes.

    I also MTV showing nothing but music videos and not stupid reality TV.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    When you recall that the Beatles music was very counter culture at one time. Wearing blue jeans might get you killed or return home with broken bones. If someone approached you in blue jeans, you knew what books, music, political views they had. You would run after someone wearing blue jeans five streets away to talk for a while.

    The day I first heard Beatles muzak, I wept. IMO, their music sounded better before they were Establishment.

    Recently, my hair stylist and I were talking about music. I described a group as Dylanesque. What is Dylanesque? Dylanesque is in the style or manner of Bob Dylan. Who is Bob Dylan? You never heard of Bob Dylan. He remains one of the best American poets and folk singers. We spent endless hours discussing obscure lyrics.

    Next, I go to the grocery store where high school students are bagging groceries. I ask if they know Dylan is. They respond "of course, we know." Next, they are discussing Bob with greater insight and knowledge than people my age.

  • d

    Old teachers you had are retiring or have passed away.

  • jam

    Watching the NBA playoff with my sons and grandson.

    L. James made a move to the basket, (me) what a bad move

    (meaning a good shot). My grandson, papa that was a good

    move (me) that,s what I mean. My 40 year old son, that,s an old

    saying in grandpa day, today the term is beastly. My grandson, no

    dad it,s wicked. So there you go.

  • tec

    ... when your kids look at you like you're from the dark ages. You know... the way YOu used to look at your parents ;)



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