Regarding this nonsense about different “classes” of Christians the WTS has conjured up, the words of William Congreve surely apply: “Oh what tangled webs we weave when first we practice to deceive!”
by wizzstick 79 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Regarding this nonsense about different “classes” of Christians the WTS has conjured up, the words of William Congreve surely apply: “Oh what tangled webs we weave when first we practice to deceive!”
The interesting thing is that the angels know of 12 differentiations, and who is ready to be/- or will be/-has been martyred, and they are not telling except the number.
For us down here, Quendi's tangled net entraps those that dont know TTAT.
There was one guy for the longest time and he wasn't sure if there was ever going to be a crowd, let alone a great one - heck, he was happy when it turned into a small get-together and then a gathering ...
As soon as the free food appeared.
I believe Prologos has it right. This understanding mirrors the exodus from Egypt, and when i was doing my research about the new covenant and mediator i found the new covenant mirrors the original one and how any one back then Alien resident included could be a part of the old covenant by getting circumcised and then just following the laws. Prologos understanding again mirrors who was the ones who left Egypt, who went with and who stayed.
When did people of the Great Crowd start to appear?
When ever Rutherford opened a..
Keg of Beer ..
....................... ...OUTLAW
yeah, after a few beers
Rutherford saw double:
two classes instead of one.
not just two glasses,
two classes,
a clear case of SPIRIT tuality - duality. how many proof % in the proof?
144,000 "were indentified" ? Really?
Like it was the result of a scientific discovery ?
How very Watchtower.
Every single number in revelation
is SYMBOLIC not literal.
The Watchtower decided to make this number literal
to establish a Power Structure in a Corporation.
You people here still believe in the Classes invented by
the Watchtower ?
You cannot let go of the WT false doctrines ?
You still speak of the "heavenly class"
in hushed tones of reverance?
144,000 in your minds is the same as the title
Ayatollah to Muslims, who regard the person
carrying the titile as a "sign of God"
Its the same as the made up
"faithful and discreet slave class"
That is also a WT construction, invention,
based on Jesus telling people to take care
of one another. The WT loved the part about
"being in charged of all his belongings"
Its a misinterpretation to support
a power structure like the Catholic Church,
this is the Watchtower Corporation, the same,
minus the pointed hats.
Wake up.
The Great Crowd appeared during one of Judge Rutherford's drunken binges when he was trying to figure out what to do about the 144,000 number running up and making his crackpot writings be proven false.
Village girl, you are so right, but
unraveling, and matching WT fantacies with the text is liberating.
even if the text is suspect, being based, as it is, on the talking snake.
Kurt: to repeat:
After the BEER
he became SEER
as any drunk, he saw double
Instead of ONE Class there were TWO
now we know why its True.
circa 1935? prohibition days? obey superior authorities? oh yeah, S.A. were not the police then, ignore them, the SA were The two great ones in the sky then,
by Rutherford edict. What did he drink when he demoted God and his Son to the level into the "CLASS" of dogcatchers in 1929?