something that itches my brain.
Gentiles. When the Jews refused God's Son, and conspired with the Romans to have him killed, the Romans didn't have a problem with Jesus,
they didn't seek to kill him, it was the Jews, who should of 'known' he was the Messiah.
Anyone was entitled to 'join with and follow Jesus, regardless of race/religion.
When the Jewish system was shown for the lie it was, God destroyed it.
So, if he destroyed 'organised religion' back then, and made the way for peoples of all nations to come to him, through Jesus,
without any need for man or organisation to lead them to God (because he destroyed this model/system of control/paganistic practices/laws etc)
This de-bunks the whole jw wt case for their having 'the truth, and the only way to God and salvation, is through them.
they are doing the same as every other form of control/false religion. the very thing God did away with.
so are they in effect 'working against God'.
hope i'm making sense.