I am so sorry Sosoconfused that you are going through this. I can't even begin to image what it would feel like to have my parents send me something like that. In her own distorted way she loves you but she obviously won't put you before the Organization. I hope you can keep your relationship with your Dad. I am also happy to hear your wife supports you because there are so many that lose their whole families. Your children will thank you one day for getting them out of this. I know my son (never got baptized) is so thankful we are out and now our relationship has gotten so much better because of it.
Since I have been out (my family never in) I have found out from my sisters some things my Dad said. At Christmas he would cry because I was not there with them and one year he said "your sister is in a cult and we need to do whatever we can to not lose touch with her". I cried when I heard that but i was so happy to know how much they loved me. I was about 30 years in and even though I never gave up my family the relationship was broken because of all of the brain washing. I was always uncomfortable around them.
I called my Dad today to with him a Happy Father's Day for the first time in over 30 years and I know it made his day. When I got off the phone I said to my husband "this religion has really f**ked up so many families"! It makes my heart ache for all of those who have lost their family memebers. You have lost so much because you have a huge family and yet you don't know any of them, and yet they call this God's Organization!!
We are always here for you and I hope you will find even more happiness and freedom now that it is out in the open and you don't have to make up things. I know I feel so much better because I broke the last ties to it. When you make the decision you are going to live your life to the fullest and stop living a lie it feels so liberating!