My Mom has decided to turn me in... I am not afraid (Letter Inside)

by sosoconfused 82 Replies latest jw experiences

  • sosoconfused

    @Gromstik the best thing like you said is avoid debate.

    Tw days ago we discussed the 1975 lie. She said they never said anything to lead the brothers to thnik that. She said she read all the magazines etc... it was just the brothers distorting their words.

    So I took out the magazines that talked about the remaining months of the system. How only a few years were left. The audio from the 60's saying only 83 months left in this system.

    She said where did I get this from... apostate website... I showed her the articles and she said that it is no longer on the Watchtower CD sdo that it cant be confirmed... I said well let me show you in the bound volume over there that you have and she told me thatI better not dare touch it... The truth is something they cant face

  • sosoconfused

    @outlaw ROFL

  • Quendi

    I would be very interested to see if the material relating to 1975 has really been deleted from the Watchtower Library CD. Would you be so kind as to cite the references so that we can check on this, sosoconfused? If this is true, then it is a powerful evidence of the WTS deliberately lying about its past.

    We already know that the Watchtower Online Library has material that only goes back to the year 2000 and we know the reason for this. The Governing Body does not want people with less than fifteen years’ association with the organization to discover its past gross errors and egregious mistakes. If the Society is now producing CD-ROMs that also exclude this material, then this should be pointed out to others. We could go so far as to challenge people to compare current versions of the Watchtower Library with earlier ones.

    I’m sorry to read your mother’s reaction to checking the bound volumes for the material you asked her to read. That tells me that in her heart of hearts, she hears the ring of TTATT and she has no intention of grasping that for herself.


  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    I am so sorry Sosoconfused that you are going through this. I can't even begin to image what it would feel like to have my parents send me something like that. In her own distorted way she loves you but she obviously won't put you before the Organization. I hope you can keep your relationship with your Dad. I am also happy to hear your wife supports you because there are so many that lose their whole families. Your children will thank you one day for getting them out of this. I know my son (never got baptized) is so thankful we are out and now our relationship has gotten so much better because of it.

    Since I have been out (my family never in) I have found out from my sisters some things my Dad said. At Christmas he would cry because I was not there with them and one year he said "your sister is in a cult and we need to do whatever we can to not lose touch with her". I cried when I heard that but i was so happy to know how much they loved me. I was about 30 years in and even though I never gave up my family the relationship was broken because of all of the brain washing. I was always uncomfortable around them.

    I called my Dad today to with him a Happy Father's Day for the first time in over 30 years and I know it made his day. When I got off the phone I said to my husband "this religion has really f**ked up so many families"! It makes my heart ache for all of those who have lost their family memebers. You have lost so much because you have a huge family and yet you don't know any of them, and yet they call this God's Organization!!

    We are always here for you and I hope you will find even more happiness and freedom now that it is out in the open and you don't have to make up things. I know I feel so much better because I broke the last ties to it. When you make the decision you are going to live your life to the fullest and stop living a lie it feels so liberating!

  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    Wholly, I am not sure if you will see this but I am sorry for all of the heartbreak you have gone through. It is really sad what your Mother did to her and because of it both of you have suffered greatly. I hope that someday your daughter will wake up and realize drugs are not the answer and I am sure you will be there for her if that ever happens. I am sure there are many people out there that realize if they could do it over they would cut the toxic people out of their lives instead of the other way around. I lost my son for a short period when he was 14 and went to live with his Dad so he could play sports. He ended up back with us two years later but he was a broken boy. I have never let him go and we continued to keep the lines of commications open. He has a beautiful wife and two beautiful children that we adore. We are a big part of their lives since before the birth of the children and it has only gotten better since we left the cult. I have told my son how sorry I was that I made him go to meetings and tought him all that nonsense which he never believed! Hang in there!

  • Wholly

    Thank you Aunt Fancy. I hope someday she does too.

    My heart breaks for all of you who have been and/are going through this line in the sand moment!

  • Laika


    Thanks for continuing to share your story, I said in one of your other threads that I feel I want to have the same talk with my parents, so you are an inspiration!

    What gets me down, whilst I would obviously like my parents to stop wasting their lives in the Organisation, if they want to carry on and insist they're happy, I really don't care that much! I don't feel a desperate need to start a big argument and prove them completely wrong. All I really want is for them to be happy with where I'm at and continue to accept me, but even that seems unlikely. :(

  • laverite


    You wrote:

    "She still has all the bound volumes going back who knows how many years but has literally taped them all closed so that "She is not persuaded by old light". It is a freak show"

    WOW. Just...WOW. Everything from her letter SCREAMED cult. It's all about a giant publising corporation and her complete and total loyalty to it. There is nothing she wouldn't sacrifice for the Corp. Not you. Not her family. Not even herself. So very sad.

  • Watchtower-Free

    Sad to say that letter could have been written by a




    Westboro baptist

  • sosoconfused

    Thanks all for the many responses! I read them all and appreciate them. I had a call from my sister because she said my mom is already telling people I have turned my back on the organization. I knew this was going to happen so I am not surprised - its just a shame that a person can reason that they must go to these drastic measures to help people.

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