My Mom has decided to turn me in... I am not afraid (Letter Inside)

by sosoconfused 82 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Satanus

    They blame the dffed person. Family thinks that family has NO CHOICE in the matter. They claim that the dffed person has made family's decision for them. Not true, of course. The family member makes the decision every time they decide to shun the family member.


  • etna


    Thanks for sharing, there are so much good advice from everyone, I just want to say, CULT CULT CULT CULT CULT CULT.

    Keep us updated. Etna

  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    LOL, I would probably do what you're wife did from the cigar! I will take ice cream any day.

  • laverite

    The fact that what she is telling people is that you have "...turned my back on the organization" speaks VOLUMES. It's all about the bOrg. Cult. Period.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    You mother asked you what other religion is obeying the commandments of Matthew 24 and Matthew 28, if not for all the preaching done by various Christian groups and churches over the last two millenniums, Jehovah's Witnesses would not exist today. Did your mother realize that there is no country on Earth where Jehovah's Witnesses have been successful in countries that did not have the seeds sown by various Christian Churches?

    The facts and evidence and internal and extrenal books and documents in the Watchtower Society show they have had no meaningful gains in Islamic Countries! Their message has only grown in Countries that ancient Christian Missionaries and Preachers worked at for hundreds of years. Please ask your mother, which country has the Watchtower Organization been successful at that had no influence by Christendom? Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Saudia Arabia, Burma, Somalia, Yemen, ect.....

    Jehovah's Witnesses have never been a religion to head into a country where preaching is going to get their Missionaries backed by Bethel be-headed! Ancient Christians of the Catholic, Protestant, Mennonite, and other Baptist groups were bold and pushed into countries were it was illegal and very costly to preach the Good News!

    Why do we really bother because nobody is ready before their time to learn the Truth. Too many elderly are willing to die with a lie than face the fact they were following a hoax their whole life I am so sorry for you, she think's she is doing the right thing as she fulfills Christ's prophecy that people would deliver up to their church thinking they were rendering a act of worship! Nothing matters with somebody who has their eyes crazy gluued shut!

  • jwfacts

    I hate reading letters like that. The delusion makes me lose respect for human ability to think.

    "As the apostle Peter said to Jesus,... 'Lord, where will we go away to?' This is Jehovah's organization ..."

    This is an extremely common misquotation by JWs. The change may be subtle, but the implications are profound.

    No. You probably know this, but compare how your mom misquoted this verse to the actual wording from the NWT:

    Simon Peter answered him: “Lord, whom shall we go away to? - John 6:6 8

    I was going to write exactly the same. She could be responded to simply by pointing out her error. "You think Peter said where, whereas he said whom. That perfectly sums up the why the Watchtower does not represent the message of the Bible, since it too makes such statements. The "Slave" takes the place of Jesus."

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Real Missionaries of Christendom have a different approach to taking care of Christ's sheep. They are not pushing books and a "New Gospel Message (Galatians 1:4-10) but try to help the sick and poor and hungry. They preach to the prisoners instead of driving around to Country Clubs or rich areas hoping to gain converts.

    The huge waste of time JWs burn up in Field Circus is actually "ruining the Earth by wasting precious Fossil Fuels". What great deeds did Jehovah's Witnesses do compared to "Christian Children International", "The Red Cross", "Doctors Without Borders"?

    Witness Missionaires are like Truffle hunting pigs trained at Bethel to seek out the weak and Bible ignorant and emotionally depressed to use a fodder for their game playing and boosting thier numbers by cooking the books!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "If iI wanted to call a relativeI have no way of doing so because we don't even know their names. Worse still if I did manage to magically find one they would have no idea who I was or why they should even care"

    I still suggest that you at least take some effort to look them up. I didn't have much of any contact with the "worldly" relatives in my extended family until a college classmate had a name and a look that rang a bell. He's a second cousin once removed. It's not like we were instant lifelong buddies, but we keep in touch on facebook and I now know what's going on with more of the kinfolk.

    And your parents should be ashamed of themselves for neglecting the "special territory" of their family. How are they supposed to "give a witness" when they completely turn their backs on their flesh-and-blood? How are they supposed to tell people at the door that JWs don't split up families, when they're strangers to their own siblings? My grandparents didn't convince many of their relatives to join the WT cult, but at least they kept in touch enough to set a good example and were highly respected by their nonJW relatives.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    I was asked by my cousin why our family was so fragmented and why they refused to go to the giant family reunions. Easy to reply "It's because we were told to keep worldy family contact to a minimum, we were not supposed to attend a giant Family Reunion with three hundred people from all over the Country.

    "Our true family was the Jehovah Witness Church goers who were not the most loving and kind!" I told my cousin the truth", I said "We were told unless we had the chance to preach and there were willing and listening ears, than we could possibly show up with our book bags to preach. The "Tower" told us we had a the biggest family, they promised the biggest lie ever that our Jehovah's Witnesses Church Members would pick up the slack where we lost our worldy-family." How many of you out here past the Five year Fade Mark, have any of these great family JW friends we were told would die for you?

    To this my cousin said "I noticed throughout the years you and your parents never stayed in touch much with all the brothers and sisters, and I don't understand why they were so aloof!" So, after sixty years of following this lie they have nothing to show for this other than their poor health, "body training is beneficial for little and watching TV is great for all!" I made peace with my cousin and explained that I am no longer part of this Organization and I am waiting on two things before I burn my bridge down to the ground. I have had success under the stealth mode putting in my fair share of doubts in active Witnessses lives, I actually have thrown a few into a tailspin and they have not made it to meetings for some time now. Would you be better off with your Mother if you played the part and pretended (theocratic warfare) until the time is right to make your move instead of battling it out with the Elders?

    There is nothing to gain but your mother and father, I know many parents with great JW kids who refuse to talk to them unless they think their parents are about to die and a inhertance is close by. I hope you make the right choice for your health and minds and heart's sake, you will overcome this trial too!

  • nugget

    She has reverted to type falling back on all the old JW argument and rhetoric. I feel for her since she is unable to see the truth and deception despite your explanation.

    She says she loves you and that is a positive. She qualifies that by saying she loves Jehovah more but what is sad is she allows herself to be manipulated by a group of power hungry men. She is unable to process difficult information at the moment. It is always hard in the beginning but having close family supporting you and knowing that the children are free of the corruption is strong motivation.

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