My Mom has decided to turn me in... I am not afraid (Letter Inside)

by sosoconfused 82 Replies latest jw experiences

  • gingerbread

    Your family is what I would qualify as Hardcore JW's. They believe 100% that what is printed in the publications must be followed to the letter. Even 'suggestions' are considered a regulation. In my years of experience in this org, I've concluded that children raised in this kind of 'Truth' environment see life in very black and white terms i.e. you're either all in the faith or your 'gone or the WT way is only the right way to live.

    Question: Did your parents use WT and Awake articles to 'train you' as a youngster? Were the publications seen as the authority on life & the only viable source for solutions to everyday problems? Did they take the time to talk honestly with you as a son and not as a JW kid?

    Your Mom is using guilt to persuade you and fear to control you. She means well. It's the only approach she knows.

  • Oubliette

    SSC's mom: "You are just trying to have a debate over words".

    Typical. They say something to manipulate you and you point out that they're misquoting the very scripture they're using to try and control you and then they accuse YOU of having a debate over words.

    In fact, the debate is NOT about "words" but about meaning.

    With 55 years a JW, you mom has so much invested in her belief system that it's unlikely she'll ever change. It's equally obvious she cannot see that in her mind Jehovah and "the organization" are one and the same.

    I don't know if you saw this thread, but you might find it insightful:

    It's about a recent book that explains why it is so hard for most humans to admit mistakes and make the corresponding changes even when confronted by irrefutable evidence that they are wrong.

    Hang in there. At least you have your wife and kids. That's more than many of us can say!

  • Satanus

    My mother turned me in, as well. She thought it was a last ditch attempt at saving me. She was like yours.


  • sosoconfused

    @ginger - when I would do anything wrong my mother would get us by the collar. Sit us down and read the scripture to us about not sparing the rod... then we would get spanked. All talking came from the "Young people ask book" once the blue one came out I was to read on my own LOL.

    Our lives were literally all watchtower all the time. There was a period when we were inactive because of some weird monkey business in the hall but within a short period she was back at it... eventually the rest of the fam,ily came along.

    She still has all the bound volumes going back who knows how many years but has literally taped them all closed so that "She is not persuaded by old light". It is a freak show

  • sosoconfused

    @Oubliette - exactly... The funny thing is occasionally when she gets air of the child abuse stuff she gets upset but says, "Jehovah allows these things to happen as a test in his organization - just like the Russian KGB agent that infiltrated the org".So I said isn't it wonderful that Jehovah will allow children to be molested as a test of other peopels faithfulness?!?!?!? She told me to leave ROFL

    @Satanus it amazes me that your own mother loves you so much that she can just throw you to the dogs... freaking shame

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi sosoconfused, I'm sorry that your mother is trying to control your life, and I'm happy that you will be able to live the rest of your life with your wife and children without the WTBTS. You are braver than a lot of other JWs who are too afraid to see TTATT.

    I hope that any response to your mother is loving and firm. It is your mother's choice to inform the elders and then potentially lose any relationship with you and her grandchildren as well as your father losing those same relationships. You have more power than you think.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Honesty

    "do you really believe the things you expressed? Do you not realize that Jehovah's spirit is working with this organization? How else can almost 8 million people have become worshipers of Jehovah in such a short time if not directed by Jehovah's spirit. What other religious organization has grown to the extent that J.W.'s have. Who else is following "The Way" as Jesus instructed? What other religious group is carrying out and fulfilling Matthew 24:14 & 28:19,20? None!!!"

    Poor thing.

  • Crazyguy

    I would write a letter back about how loving Jesus was and how he and Paul talked about not Judging. I would also show scriptures that show that anyone that believe in the messiah is a son of god and so to say another christian from another church is not a christian is judging. I would the go on and show that by Jesus love her turning you in and the subject of disfellowshipping is mot Love and shows that the ORG is not the only ORG of Jehovah.

  • Oubliette

    No matter what happens it's Jehovah's will.

    • If a Catholic child is molested by a priest, it's proof that they are part of Babylon the Great.
    • If a JW child is molested by an elder, it's proof that they are God's Organization, Jehovah's just allowing the brother's to be tested.
  • sosoconfused

    I have already penned a response to her... I touched on most of what you guys have mentioned, but midway through I literally just started laughing. I realized that it just doesn't matter anymore. There isnothing I am going to say to change how she feels and if I magically did what good would it server her.

    She is 5 years from death and will now realize her entire life was a waste on a giant publishing company lie. If iwas that age and realized that I would shot myself ROFL. I told her that if Jehovah gave everyone the choice to worship him or not.. isn't it better to worship him in the way that you have proven to yourself to be the best as opposed to staying with something you feel is false? How can you argue with this reasoning.

    Why is everyone so ready to make god want to kill someone? I tell you the only thing that would make JW's think this religion is false is if they said that ANY CHRISTIAN IS ACCEPTABLE BEFORE GOD. Then people would go nuts and say its a fraud. But tell them only a handful of fanatics will live and they are all for it

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