Infinity and god - why wait to create the universe?

by Simon 108 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • james_woods
    but I remember reading Jules Vernes and other science fiction, super car engines and their makers chased by wealthy Americans,-- teleportation , and speculation on Relatively in th 1930s.
    Einstein's works were banned then by the nazis believe it or not.

    Super Cat Engines are indeed the work of the Devil's hands...but all this is off topic.

    I believe that you are correct on the Nazi ban of Einstein - Hitler called it "Jewish Science". I read last summer the autobiography of Heisenberg - and he pretty much verifies that.

  • prologos

    simon, please think about "GOD" as pure energy, light, as in rays, if you will.

    in that condition, you being pure energy, pure for sure, there is no movement through time , (check your einstein) it is true.

    So in that condition you would leave the past eternity (if it had a beginning) and travel to the limite of future eternity (if had an end)

    IN AN INSTANT You would arrive at the moment you left.

    so there is for "GOD" no measurable period PRECEDING the time when matter, dimensions lengths, breadths and widths started their journey out of the big bang singularity, with INFLATION et al happening on the way.

    The big bang happened somewhere in the middle of eternity, and for somewhere of purity and energy, it would be always

    THE NOW.

    or thinking of our movement through time.

    we live in the now, definitely not in the past (unless you are a history buff),

    definitely not in the future (unless you are a jw, or believe in other unscientific fiction) so:

    you are constantly on the MOVE in time. your NOW has zero length.

    you depend for life of there being a future. Future time.

    So There is TIME that is outside the moving universe, for the whole Universe is moving through time you and I with it.

  • nonjwspouse

    This may or may not be relevant to this discussion.

    What do you thinkers think about the String Theory, paralell universes.

  • villagegirl

    god existing for infinity and suddenly deciding to create the universe mke any sense. I don't think it does when you think about it and religion is keen to mke you focus on much later stuff. Science has a resonable answer that fits the known facts.

    You are young and I am old my friend science is not static,

    science changes and contradicts itself through time.

    how reasonable is it to say a creature without eyes determined

    somehow it needs to see ? And so "evolved eyes" ? Man has wanted

    to fly for countless thousands of years and yet we are not growing wings.

    Man used to be defined as the only animal that used tools, till someone noticed

    other animals use tools and problem solve. I don't even think we are God's

    favorite animal. Let alone the smartest.

  • prologos

    fertile minds concocting up possibilities to avoid the real questions, but the dimension in string theorists might get lucky and some of their predictions might fit the data.

    Vibrating strings producing reality? dono, but makes good music. might even relate to solar pulsations and planet spacings on the macro scale.

    why did God wait?, --he did not. he can not wait, he is unstoppable, for he has all the time in the world.

  • EntirelyPossible

    please google "Time before Cosmos, universe, space, whatever".

    Please answer the questions put to you. Simply telling people to "google whatever" doesn't support your contradiction of known and observable data.

    Can you or can you not answer the questions?

    I recommended EP to do his due diligence and not dismiss pre bigbang time as out of hand.

    No one has dismissed it. You simply assert it with no evidence and currently no possiblity of evidence. Further, your assertions contradict knows and observable data and theories with valid predictive power. Claiming something is being dismissed with it is simply pointed out that you have no evidence show a lack of understanding of science.

    Saying "google whatever" is not an answer. Can you support your hypothesis with data? The names of scientists you claimed were on the verge of breakthroughts in this area? Can you explain their hypotheses? What experiments have they done? Can you explain the contradiction between your hypothesis and observation?

  • james_woods
    Can you or can you not answer the questions?

    Sometimes we are wise to admit that we cannot.

  • FlyingHighNow

    There are just some things nothing and no one can explain. I'm okay with that. Infinity is one of them.

    I have been told that time to man is linear and that time to God is circular. I don't understand that either. I was given a book about the two concepts. Maybe one day I will read it.

    The best thing about leaving Jehovahs Witnesses, who think there has to be an answer to everything, is that I am content that no man has the answers to everything and it is okay: okay not to know the answers to everything.

    Another idea I've heard is that man is governed by time where God is not. I don't grasp that one either.

  • prologos

    james, the seeds to answer the topic question were sown with me in the 1930s in germany.

    Most of our highschool teachers that were not drafted were

    APOSTATES from naziism.

    They did not burn Einstein's works, hid them behind stuff in the lower library cabinets.

    Our Music teacher played Jewish composers from memory on the piano. a capital offense.

    so I was imbued with apostate spirit from the beginning, why stop there and JWdoctrine, go all the way to cosmology.

    I am trying to test my time before and after the universe on all comers.

    running short of brain capacity after more than 80 years of use, so,

    It is ENTIRELY POSSIBLE that I have to refer people to google categories, rather than recite facts from failing memory.

  • EntirelyPossible

    It is ENTIRELY POSSIBLE that I have to refer people to google categories, rather than recite facts from failing memory.

    You have made a lot of claims, no one expect you to recite from memory. If there is something supporting what you say, you can simply google it yourself and present it.

    science changes and contradicts itself through time

    Science is a process for explaining the world around us. As we learn more, the state of our knowledge reaches a higher state of quality. It doesn't contradict itself, it changes as we get new information.

    how reasonable is it to say a creature without eyes determined somehow it needs to see ? And so "evolved eyes" ?

    That's not reasonable at all. It's not at all how evolution works, either.

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