To the Aussies out there what do you think of the government policy to send asylum seekers to PNG and have them settle there if they are proven to be refugees and if not to be sent home or to a third country. I believe this policy will definately stop the boats. Barry
Rudds new asylum seeker policy
by barry 110 Replies latest jw friends
Julia Orwell
I think the people will come until this policy becomes common knowledge enough that the Indonesian people smugglers can't lie to the asylum seekers and take their money. I also think it's just an election winning stunt. Consider that a relatively small amount of people come here via boats but they're visible and easy to be for political target practice. Less visible are the ones who come on holiday, students or working visas and simply don't get back on the plane. They disappear into the cities and get cash jobs. I know this first hand because my hubby works with guys who came on student visas years ago, whirled class and got cash jobs. I also used to work at q Tafe and we were always liaising with DIAC about the truants.
These are the ones who the government should be chasing, but they're not easy to spot like a boatload of people on the sea, therefore they are hard to point your finger at and make into a political issue.
So I think Mr Rudd is just angling for votes, but nowhere near as badly as the whole 'children overboard' fiasco in 2001.
Julia Orwell
Shirked class, not whirled. I hate autocorrect.
Go Rudd go. I gotta say I admire the man for the way he climbed his way back after being stabbed in the back by that woman. All power to him. I admire Gillard too in her way, but she deserved what she got. Nobody can say Australian politics ain't interesting.
I consider myself liberal minded, but I can't help being drawn to the personal politics of it all. If Rudd can connive to win the next election after his dramatic comeback he will be nothing short of a miracle worker. Go Rudd go.
Oh I am not an Aussie btw.
Well, where do we start. This is Rudd running off at the mouth yet again .Where are they going to house these asylum seekers that are coming now long will it take to build the facilities to house these asylum seekers ? in PNG ? 6 months? a year? Longer ? How much is this going to cost the Aust. taxpayer ? And to be fair it will put a brake on the amount of boatloads of people coming here , and of course the potential danger of drownings that we have seen in the past. I honestly do not know how you can trust this guy.Admittedly he has a way with the average person , he can connect with them , but look at the facts !Going from a surplus under a liberal govt. to a deficit iunder a labour Govt in such a short time , he is like a gunslinger firing from the hip as he goes along and stuff the consequences for the nation. He has an arrogant /dictatorship approach as a PM. The last few days have shown he is the same Kevin Rudd labour deposed a couple of years ago. They must be now thinking..... WHAT HAVE WE DONE .
I was not a witness until I was 19 ,my family were labour supporters and I was influenced by that ,leaving the wt I engaged in voting for labour which I have done for 20 years , would I do so again ? NO WAY
Speaking strictly about the people on the boats I reckon it has merit . It appears (if we can trust the media) is that these people fly into Indonesia, which obviously requires a passport, get a Visa On Arrival which is basically a stamp for $25 US, burn their passports and any documentation and pay to be taken by leakey boat which gets a sympathy vote from the media and wait for the Aust navy to "rescue" them.
I used to say let 'em all in until I realised that thousands of poor b*****ds have been waiting after doing the right thing and going to the UNHCR in Malayasia and Indonesia for literally decades. Legitamate refugees who left with nothing except their clothes, rasing their kids until adulthood in camps.
How 'bout those guys rioting a few days ago and burning their camp down as Aust was deemed too slow in processing them. Send them back I reckon.
The guy is an egotist. He wants everyone to love him and has no brains or responsibility. He is a product of the Big Brother generation, no brains but thinks he understands everything. Unfortunately he is too stupid to ask for help, just remember the insulation batts. A total idiot who shouldnt be allowed to run a chook raffle.
The answer to the boat people is simple. Make xmas island not a part of aus & send them to one of the antartic islands. I really wonder how those people manage to spend $30K per person when they make at least a few hundred dollars a year back in Afghanistan or wherever. I cant help but wonder if these people are the crooks who took bribes, sold drugs, and did lots of bad things to get that money.
Julia Orwell
Doofdaddy, I don't believe the media. Sure, maybe people do fly to Indonesia then burn their passports but they'd be a minuscule minority. The media will trump that miniscule minority up because it stirs controversy and controversy sells news. It also gets boguns riled up at a visible, defenseless group of people and turns their malcontent outward rather than to themselves or what other things the govt is doing. I think the way they go on about it is sickening. I'm not saying the boat people are doing the right thing by not waiting like others, but it is not illegal for them to seek asylum. Perhaps the way they go about it is wrong, but the media sensationalises it to everyone's disadvantage.
Julia the percentage of asylum seekers destroying their documents is 90% and under the Liberals that 90% was automaticaly not regarded as fair dinkcum refugees. Under Labour that same 90% were just put at the back of the que which wasn't very far back. The interesting thing here is that it is also quoted that 90% of boat people are settled here as refugees. Is that the same 90% that destroyed their documents? Barry
I think if we have a imigration policy to settle genuine refugees we should settle the ones in the camps because we know they are genuine. We certainly can't be sure about the ones who fly to Indonesia on an aircraft and do have documents and those same documents are lost between Indonesia and here and then we just have to take their word for it. Barry