WHo needs friends like Jehovah. He never helps anyone, just ask the Israelites. Not once but many times he failed, Romans, Greeks, Egyptians, Babylonians, Assyrians etc.
If you don't believe in God where do you get the strength to cope?
by Miss.Fit 151 Replies latest jw friends
Right now it's about depression. Depression kills people so it’s serious.......... it’s probably the leading cause of suicide but at heart it's a chemical imbalance............. one that can be overcome with some help and medication. There are other factors of course but one needs to start with the proper medication. Get to a doctor and get something that will help balance you out. Think about therapy as well.
Wasanelder Once
Well, I often say to myself, "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough and doggone it people like me!" Then I eat pie and cry myself to sleep. NOT!
Today is a new day. Ill reread your posts if I need a boost.
So many of us have been in a similar place you are at the moment. Be assured that it gets better. It is fortunate that you have your children to keep focussed on and get you through this time, because soon you will be loving your life and so grateful that you did not do anything rash. Please, make sure you continue to confide in friends or a doctor while you are feeling this way.
Thank you for your kind and encouraging posts.
I made a dr. Appt. for tomorrow.
I am afraid if I admit to suicidal thoughts they will hospitalize me.
Do you know if that will happen? Or should I just say i m depressed?
I dont want to be hospitalized.
Miss.Fit, I'm a mental health professional in a hospital-based community mental health team in New Zealand. It is not unusual for depressed people to entertain thoughts of not wanting to be "here" or of thinking they'd like to die. It does not mean they are at risk of killing themselves! So when you ask would you be hospitalized if you disclosed suicidal thoughts to a doctor, the answer - depending also of course on where you live! - is probably not. otherwise, hospitals would be brimming over with all sorts of individuals - and the last time I looked, hospitals are not.
There is a world of difference, say between feeling suicidal and actually making plans to kill yourself and taking steps to carry out that plan- say by stock-piling potentially lethal amounts of medication or purchasing the paraphernalia to gas yourself, etc.
You could benefit from talking with someone in your locality about the difference between "thoughts" in your head - which are "just" thoughts - and "behaviours" which are things you do on a daily basis. Lots of people live in fear of their thoughts yet their behaviours are perfectly safe.
It would be great if you found someone who would teach you some basic "grounding" and "self-calming" skills - hopefully someone who is able to listen attentively to you but does not "fish" around in your past but rather enables you to improve the quality of your life in the here and now. I'd recommend any trained and registered professional who is familiar with either "Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (often called ACT) or who takes a "Solution Focused" approach.
You'll find handy information on these approaches on the net - and even some youtube presentations. All the best!
Hi Miss Fit, No, you will not be hospitalized for your thoughts. Your thoughts, as painful as they are, are very common for people with depression. I would highly recommend you tell your doctor about them (I know that can be really hard to say out loud but you are not the only one and they hear this all the time).
Your doctor needs to guage the level of your depression so she/he can prescribe the appropriate medication(s) and other support to help you, and also to follow up with you in the initial few weeks you are doing treatment to ensure there are no issues. It's important for your doctor to understand how long you've been feeling depressed and how strong the feelings are. This also helps them with est. treatment timelines etc. Personally, I hesitated with my doctor on initial contact and that only prolonged things for me. The sooner you get help the sooner you can start to feel better - all the best and keep us posted on how you're doing.
That's a relief. My mom was committed when she had a breakdown. when I was little. After she was released..about 6 months she tried to kill herself. She ended up in the hospital again. They gave her shock treatments. She lost a lot of her memory. She decided it would be best to give us up.
My sisters have never forgiven he r for giving us up.
Anyway I never have trusted psychologists.
I followed through and made an appointment with my family dr. I had been putting it off for a awhile. I guess I waited too long.
Thank you for your advice. I made it through another day. Your posts really helped.
Im going to be 51 in october. I guess I still have time to make up some of the time I lost being half awake.
Its time to get off the fence.
When I'm feeling down, I pick up my copy of The Book of Awesome, by Neil Pasricha. The book contains one- to two-page entries from Neil's blog, 1000 Awesome Things.
It's an easy read, and makes you appreciate the little things in life that really are wonderful.
I agree with jgnat - I see signs of severe depression and suicidal ideation in your posts. This should not be ignored. You need to get to a doctor as soon as possible and if your doc can't help you with counselling, ask them to refer you to someone.
It may take some time getting in to a specialist. Check whether your employer offers an Employee Assistance Program. These are usually free of charge, you can get attended to quickly and you can maximize your sessions by taking advantage of in-person, online, and telephone counselling.
Whatever you do, don't lose hope. Your family needs you. Your husband and your daughter needs you. We need you.