I put faith in Christ... and let Him teach me. And of course, he is right there in front of our 'faces', and was all along. "I am the Truth. Listen to ME. Follow ME." Not ourselves, not men, not religion... just Him.
I think I might be repeating myself, but it's worth repeating. Your descriptions of how you know the Christ is truth - this faith you put in him, are descriptions that have the possibility of being simply human delusion. I have no doubt that you are not making any of this stuff up - I have no doubt that these are strong feelings you are having, but the most intense feelings and expereinces can be induced by the human brain. Looking at that God helmet video above also demonstrates this.
Humans are extremely susceptable to delusion.
It's really not good enough to say - well it's just a different feeling, it's different than just hearing voices in your head, it's not coming from me it's coming from Christ.
Nevermind about proving this to us - you can't possibly prove this to yourself. In a nutshell: internal experiences and feelings like this cannot be trusted and shouldn't be. There are perfectly good phsycological reasons to explain them.
That really should be enough to disprove Christ talking to people in their heads, if he really wants be heard then he should do something SUPERNATURAL - not something that could easily attributed to an ordinary delusion that many people have regarding many different things - the woman who drowned her children, she said CHRIST WAS TALKING TO HER - how can you possibly say she was not listening to THE CHRIST, her experience would have been similar to yours, perhaps even more intense.
but that is not THE Christ (Jaheshua), because all that He HAS taught us is against harming or killing others, and drowning one's own children (or anyone) is against love as well.
Christ hasn't said drown your children - but his father has said sacrifice your son (to abraham).
If Christ told you tomorrow to do something that was out of the ordinary to what he usually says, would you then realise you're listening to the wrong Christ, or would you accept it?