Has anyone researched the Yeshu HaNotzri arguement as presented by some Jews regarding Jesus character? There are some smart people that actually care deeply about this topic who may have researched it and maybe they can add their thoughts on this. Personally I don't care if Jesus existed or not since I'm confident that if he did exist he wasn't a miracle man. Anyways, here's another twist regarding historical Jesus.
Did Jesus really exist?
by slimboyfat 97 Replies latest watchtower bible
Hi Ismael,
"Even more extravagant is how Matthew also describes dead people rising from their graves and roaming the streets."
Unless I'm mistaken the official Witness belief on this event is not that dead people rose in terms of a ressurection. Rather they believe the earthquake caused graves to open and expose the corpse of the dead individual.
ps. I found your written English to be excellent.
"Unless I'm mistaken the official Witness belief on this event is not that dead people rose in terms of a ressurection. Rather they believe the earthquake caused graves to open and expose the corpse of the dead individual."-Randy
Hi Randy, hope all is well. Appreciate the comment
I never been a witness's, not intend to be one ever. I have no idea what is the spin the organization give to these verses. But, even their bible said something similar.
Matthew 27:51-53
51 And, look! the curtain+ of the sanctuary was rent in two, from top to bottom,+ and the earth quaked, and the rock-masses were split.+ 52 And the memorial tombs were opened and many bodies of the holy ones that had fallen asleep were raised up, 53 (and persons,* coming out from among the memorial tombs after his being raised up, entered into the holy city,)+ and they became visible to many people.Matthew 27:51-53
New International Version (NIV)
51 At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split 52 and the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. 53 They came out of the tombs after Jesus’ resurrection and[a] went into the holy city and appeared to many people.Matthew 27:51-53
New King James Version (NKJV)
51 Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split, 52 and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; 53 and coming out of the graves after His resurrection, they went into the holy city and appeared to many. -
Hi Ismael,
"Book of Matthew describes a series of very extraordinary events, including massive earthquakes followed by a darkness covering the land."
My view is it is more likely than not that a real person name Jesus was the inspiration for the religion of Christianity. Indeed your argument is a good one against some of the more extraordinary events of the gospels being actual real events that affected a large population. On the other hand the more modest view of the historical Jesus would make for a very small target in terms of history. To wit he was active for only 3 1/2 years and had direct impact/contact with a few fervent believers.
If Jesus did NOT exist, then ask yourself this....
There are many outside sources that speak about his apostles and them being martyered, etc.
Why would they DIE for it. If you and your friends decided to make your friend someone to be worshipped, etc, and it was all a hoax, you wouldn't end your life for it, etc. You'd be like, ahh j/k.
Why would they DIE for it. If you and your friends decided to make your friend someone to be worshipped, etc, and it was all a hoax, you wouldn't end your life for it, etc. You'd be like, ahh j/k.
Good question. Didn't they die for their pagan gods before Jesus though too? You have to realize the that the level superstition at the time was very high. I visited the Pantheon in Rome, and when you go there, you can see how many differerent gods these people worshipped and just how superstitious they were. It stands to reason that they were very susceptable to the idea of new god jesus, who no doubt had some appealing qualities that caused people to follow with fervor. Just look how many of us were suckered by a publishing corporation even in a scientific age.
Author Joseph Campbell gives probably the best explanation for the power of myth and faith over people's minds and lives. The Power Of Myth.
EOM: If Jesus did NOT exist, then ask yourself this....
There are many outside sources that speak about his apostles and them being martyered, etc.
(1) many of the people martyered was martyered decades or centuries later and had no chance to check the historiocity of the original claims
(2) the sources of the martyerdoms is primarily the early church (notice a pattern?) and could be fabricated
(3) Paul proove direct revelation of jesus played a primary role in the early church. The martyrs could be convinced of the reality of the (raised) jesus through the same means as Paul.
(4) Joseph Smith, the founder of mormonism was martyered. I suppose you believe that proove the truth of Mormonism?