Many communities like the Muslim Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, Africans, and West Indians, don’t pay anywhere enough tax to pay for even their own people who claim benefits.
This is the root of the problem. I thought people were people. I didn't realise some people belonged to other people and that I could ignore them.
I believe it is this attitude in the absorbing culture which can increase the time it takes for integration, as if the absorbing culture doesn't actually regard all people as equal, then the integrating culture will be alienated. Of course, in such a situation, even though it's the absorbing cultures 'fault', it is the integrating culture that gets the blame.
Also, if the absorbing culture can choose what aspects of other cultures it can adopt (wine with meals, spaghetti, pizza, curry, whatever), what the hell is wrong with the integrating culture choosing what aspects of the absorbing culture it adopts? Do you expect 60 year-old illiterate Bengali women to learn English, read the sun, watch Eastenders and eat fish and chips? What about freedom of choice? Does that apply only if you're in the absorbing culture?
Also, third, fourth etc. generations become increasingly integrated... bigotry diminishes, they are more accepted, and as they are more accepted they can integrate more without losing their identity. And they are entitled to their cultural identity; if the Irish can prat about on St. Patrick's day, and put bad temper down to their ancestry, and Welshmen who have never lived in Wales can get all flushed when Wales win a rugby, if English people who don't give a toss about the monarchy can get swept up by the death of 'England's Rose' (puke), then why is it wrong for Hindus to celebrate Devali, for Muslim girls to wear trousers instead of skirts, or to go to Bollywood movies? What's wrong with being a Rasta?
I'm not having a go at YOU personally Nemisis by using your quote; I would say I'd love to see PROOF of this statement, and I'd love to see your cost/benefit analysis for the Notting Hill Carnival, balancing the cost of running the carnival against increased income to local businesses. I'd also like to see your comments on the social justice of attracting cheap workers from ex-colonies to settle in the UK, and then acting like them and their children are in the same group as political refugees when the work climate changes; in Germany they don't even give the Turkish migrant workers citezenship, which is harsher, but at least more honest (you're not one of us, can't be one of us, we just need you for now).
Frequently people make statements about immigrants not contributing. In the short-term, yes, maybe this is true. And? Just let people die? Or let some other country deal with the problem? Hell, if you like that idea, Australia is calling (ducks)! But, the fact that immigrants are frequently econmically dynamic is ignored (Asians in Oz and UK being a classic example; first generation sweet shop, second chemist, third doctor). What stops this integration and becoming net contributors as a community? The absorbing community!!
Do people seriously think an immigrant will say "No, I'll sit here with my thumb up my arse" if he's treated like an equal, has equal opportunities, and doesn't have to read malinformed opinions in the press about how people like him are a menece to Society?