Um several comments. First I should not blame my mother, my father, nor the watchtower society for the things I lack. If I lack anything, it is my fault and no one elses. It is not the big bad evil pseudo-religious publishing firm that keeps me down. It is not my parents. It is not my lineage. It is not the United States Government. It is not 'da man' whoever he is.
I also do not laud these same institutions or persons for the things I have. It is not their fault that I am not in prison. It is not their fault I do not commit crimes. It is not their fault I have a fairly nice place to live, own the nice things I have. That which I have or lack is entirely my own doing. That is one of the differences between minorities who cry foul, who choose to be victims, and those who do not.
We who do not, whatever our race or situation, can recognize that we have been victimized at times, but do not have to see ourselves AS victims. Abuse is something I went through, it is not something I am. To wit, I see myself as a product of my decisions more than anyone elses.
(Sidenote here, The WTBTS was only one of my incarnations, and by then I was an Adult, I chose to become a witness, and have a different perspective of it than those raised in it)
Nor are we talking about having a white pride club in order to boost our self esteem. Be it English (who by the way for years I was VERY racist against, seeing that I am Irish and there is a long history there...now I just figure, hey they are in Ireland because Irish women are hot, if I were Anglo, I'd be in Ireland too), Irish, Polish, French, German, or any other European race. We have and celebrate our culture for the same reasons other groups do, because it is a part of us, because we have a unique appreciation for it.
What we object to is all the whiny bullshit when we have our celebrations that these are somehow only designed to keep other races down. Boohoohoo. We will have our celebrations, our culture, and you can have yours.
I will agree that it is not blacks that are running planes into buildings, that is muslims. I will curtail my comments on possible solutions to *that* problem. However your other comments are ludicrous. Blacks are not raping women? The are not involved in swindling people or dirty business deals? They dont kill children in wartime? A bit of history into Africa and how many millions were and are sent to 'useless' deaths would change your mind. Um, no it probably wouldnt.
Whites do things on a grand scale. Yup. Absolutely. For good or ill whites do things on a grand scale. They take over countries, they conquer, they rule. They also produce, create, and clean up.
I used to whine about what the anglos did to the Irish. Millions murdered by starvation of a four hundred year period, besides the wars, kidnappings into slavery, rapes, thefts and other privations. Then one day I got to thinking, what about what the Irish did to the pre-celts on the Island. What about what the pre-celts did to the pre-pre-celts. The same thing with Native Americans, Africans, Asians. Each of these groups has devastated others. Why were whites so successful at playing the same game, but on a grander scale? Because they unified. No people in history have been unified around the world like the Anglos. The Irish sure as hell weren't and aren't. Definitely the Africans weren't and aren't. If they use our internecine struggles to control us, it is our own fault.
You know that any good for nothing white bum can come in off the street with a nice suit, cleaned up, with none of your credentials, and take your job? Where the hell do you work, McDonalds? Of course I don't know where you work and what you are saying might be true. If you are working a low level position someplace. It might also be true that even if you have some kind of mid-level to high-level position, requiring a college degree, that a white bum, who comes in off the street, with no training, works at your place of employment for a year or two, and gets himself educated into what the position requires, that then he can take your job.
But if you have any sort of position that requires a college degree, or serious training of any sort, I seriously doubt that if I were to show up, well dressed, shaven, and clean cut, that they would simply give me your job and fire you. Again that is hardly a reality. More comentary will follow if you want to expand on what kind of position you currently have.
And the experiences I gave are not considerd empirical data, it is called anectdotal experiences. No one claimed otherwise. We could of course go to some statistics if you want. About crime, disease, family situations, alcoholism, drug abuse, teen pregnancy and so forth. Those experiences I gave however were not to demonstrate how bad one race or another is. Merely to demonstrate that oftimes something is considered a racial issue, when it is not a racial issue. Like with having my food served by some man, or woman (unless she has J-Lo's assets) whose pants are hanging down over their hips, showing their underwear. I hate to break it to you but that is not a race issue, that is an ass issue.
Also, I wasnt encapsulating anyone's essence. I stated plainly people of various cultures should be able to enjoy things unique to their culture, while at the same time understanding that there are times to accept others. So since my point must not have been clearly made, I shall repeat it here.
It is ok for people of any culture, even if they make up their own culture (as I often do) to practice things in their culture as they wish to do so. It is even ok for them to do so when mingling with people of other cultures. However they must understand, people of all cultures, that there are things in their culture that may be valued, but the same deeds done in another culture would be repudiated. It is ok for me in my home culture, to run around in a towel. When I enter a social culture, such as shopping at the mall, a towel is entirely inappropriate. I must wear shorts or pants, or slacks and a shirt and shoes. When I enter a business culture, such as a sales meeting, then I must wear a suit or something akin to it.
Micheal Jackson was in some country, I think an Asian one, and gave the peace sign. Well wherever he was, that was the same as giving the middle finger here in the states, and he was jeered. Of course they did not know what he meant by it. And it was a very awkward moment. Now in the future either he is clarifying, or ceasing to use that symbol there.
The same thing with the men wearing their pants around their asses, sure do it at home, or with your homies, or your girlfriend or at the mall or walkin in the woods. But if you expect to dress like that and make a decent living, well you will be in for a surprise. The same surprise I would be in for if I went into an interview wearing my towel. Except I am not deluded into thinking that dressed so, I am still entitled to the job. I can cry foul and victim all I want, but it is the reality.
Finally you wish you could claim your German, English and American Indian ancestry but you cant? That is your choice. I know a great many Irish-Africans. When I ask them, time and again, what is your race. First I am told Irish. Then perhaps as an afterthought african. I know a black man who is Scottish. He loves going to celtic festivals dressed in his kilt. And then when someone asks how can he be a Scot, he goes into a very funny immitation of a scotsman discovering the black slave girl out in the field. These people are what they are because *they* choose it to be so. Which is why I have noticed time and again that Irish africans often choose it to be so boldly, the Irish being a damnable race of hard headed ruffians. The only reason you cannot is because you choose not. Fuck all what anyone thinks. When someone asks me to fill in race I always put Irish, not white, not european, IRISH. If you look foolish you think too much what others think of you. But, of course if those other lineages were Irish or Scottish instead of anglo, german and native american, you would not have to be told this, and you would already be declaring your Celtic blood.
I love this. In one thread you are accused of being anti-black, in another I am. <wink> Should we tell them what race our spouses are?
Any Black Women
I am looking for black chicks that wish to join my cult as my body guards. You must be self assured, confident, strong, and able to kick whitey's ass. You must also be willing to take by force the culture that has attacked races around the world and stood for so long as a symbol of hatred. The Nazis.
You will wear Nazi uniforms, wear a swastika, do the Nazi/Roman Salute (The romans actually started it and it was stolen by the Nazis and now I want black women to steal it from the nazis). You will be entitled to go to White Pride rallies, and declare your proud German Heritage, all the while saluting and wearing the swastika. You must not care what any group thinks of you and be willing to stand firm in this most important conviction, that you are Goddess, the others are merely puny humans.
Finally, and above all, you must *not* be attracted to me in any way whatsoever. In fact it would help if you thought I was incredibly ugly, unintelligent, uncharsimatic, etc. I know this is a tough one, but if you have already failed in this regard, perhaps you can download my picture, look at it, while striking yourself with an electric cattle prod, while sniffing piles of doggie doo doo. Eventually your intense desire to worship me will fade. Then replace my picture with yours, the doo doo with flowers, and the prod with something pleasurable.
Remember, by joining my cult as my nazi bodygaurds, you are not joining as followers or woshippers, but as leaders and as Goddesses. This thus is a non-sexual position (thus the reasons for the preceding paragraph). You will not be lumped in with the Wives, Concubines, or Slave Girls.
There are currently 27 positions available.
Apply in this thread, or any other thread I post to, or in my email, or in chat, or in yahoo chat. Eventually when I have my website up I will have applications online for any applications to fill out there.
Let's see, three wives, seven concubines, nine slave girls, and twenty-seven black nazi female body guards. I've only got forty-five women to go and my cult is complete