Warning contains some strong language.
The Animated Story of Job
by cofty 68 Replies latest watchtower bible
cofty:whats up? long time. if you want a real look at the account of job, check out a sermon by steve lawson called "the invisible war". might help you see things from a real christain view.
I know the evangelical christian view of Job very well. Its indefensible.
The video uses satire to expose how ethically appalling it is. Did you watch it?
yes, i did, and most of the things brought up are addressed in the sermon. check it out cofty
I have heard apologetics for Job many times.
Why don't you tell me something succinct in your own words that might motivate me to check it out?
What's different that hasn't been said by hundreds of other evangelical preachers about Job?
cofty: i dont what sermons or by what pastors, you have heard in times past. however this video like much of darkmatters videos is from human veiw points and not accurate when pointing out gods view point. i dont know what you beieved when you went to a christain church as far as gods soverignty, but steve does a wonderful job of showing that he is sovergien over everything.
For the true Believer god can never be to cruel or indifferent to human suffering.
So share something in your own words then unstop.
designs: it depends on who you talk with, case in point jehovah is the one who throw job into the conversation, it was god who was in control over the whole event. that why i wanted to mr cofty to listen to the sermon, im not sure if he has heard a good reformed teacher on this subject.
"For the true Believer god can never be to cruel or indifferent to human suffering."
This is exactly where the problem lies. Any moral person would be appalled by this story if it happened to them or others.
However, when it comes for God — all the rationalizations for justification are out there.This is true for any Biblical account. Logic and morals just fly out the window. A Holy double-standard is accepted.
Job's story reminds me of the movie "Trading Places"... where 2 old cruel men in high places "play" with the life of others for a $1 bet!
What happens in the minds and hearts of believers that shut their moral standards off to anything God does?Fear?