The Animated Story of Job

by cofty 68 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • adamah

    USR said-

    cofty: you find sceintist who admit they know not everything and adapt the views as praise worthy, but a god beliver who does the same should not preach until he knows everthing lol you double standard to sicking, do evoultionist know all? no? than by your standard they should keep quite

    Do you really need Obvious Guy to point out that scientists NEVER CLAIM to be omniscient beings who created life and matter, and who claim to others the need to worship a God who possess all the answers and promises to fix everything?

    Anyone touting a belief in God(s) is selling snake oil, pure and simple. The only question is if they're truly fooled by their own spiel, or if they do it to gain an upper-hand on all the other suckers who 'believe'.


  • cantleave

    Can you answer the question I asked?

    BTW good to see you back - (are the Ravens unstoppable this year?)

  • unstopableravens

    cantleave i did my answer in my last post. the ravens are playing with a great defense and no offense lol

  • unstopableravens

    in my last post i meant baby not bible, lol major typo

  • adamah

    USR said-

    adamah: i personaly believe what paul said, at romans 8.28-3o that god works all things for the good of those who love him,james 1 talks about the good that comes out of trails and god does and allows things always for our good.even jesus learned obediance because of his suffering. the account of joesph being sold into slavery is also good to think about. the bible says satan ment it for bad ,but god for good. so when we see what happenex to job and his suffering we know that god means everything for good, therfore he is just and ethical

    Are you unaware of the Book of Job, then?

    The cartoon glossed over the point, but the Bible story itself makes it clear that Satan is a member of the 'Elohim' (plural for Gods, i.e. spirit beings who serve Jehovah on the Heavenly Divine Council), serving in the role on Team God as 'the accuser' (Satan is a TITLE like 'Federal Prosecutor', and not a proper name). Jews living in the 1st millenium BC didn't see a problem with God being the source of good AND evil; that WAS the belief. Notice that the prologue occurs IN HEAVEN: what is Satan doing sitting around in Heaven and conversing with God about humans on Earth?

    The emergence of the concept of Satan as the 'bad guy' who works independently of Jehovah as his enemy came MUCH LATER, under the influence of the Persian Empire's Zoroasterianism which occurred in post-exilic period (circa 5th cent BCE). Per the Zoroasterian religion, an evil spirit ‎(Angra Mainyu) is the source of bad, where all good and loving actions comes from the creator deity, Ahura Mazda. Judaism adopted (ripped off) the concept to adapt it to Judaism, paving the way to allow Jehovah to become the "all good, all the time" deity you know and love today, based on NT reworking to give God a make-over.

    However, it still doesn't change the fact of the depiction of Jehovah as being an angry, evil, and jealous deity in the OT accounts such as Job, since that was the belief of Jehovah before syncretism occurred....


  • unstopableravens

    adam, all that is address in the sermon, (as far as god using satan etc..)

  • cofty

    you double standard to sicking, do evoultionist know all? no? - unstop

    Being rational means that your beliefs are in proportion, or ratio, with the evidence.

    Science is modest by definition. It is a method for discovering facts about the world. That body of facts and the theories that explain them are constantly being built on. Scientists get exposed if they pretend to know things that they don't.

    On the other hand, people of faith claim to know extraordinary things based on no evidence at all.

    If your beliefs are worth anything they must at least address the fundamental reason for suffering. If you can't at least do that then you can have nothing useful to say at all.

  • Giordano

    Unstoppable......... By the way that was a great movie!

    In the Post a reply Simon has added a spell check program............ check out the big smiley face and next to it there is ABC click on and you can download the spell check program in seconds.Once loaded you can check your post for spelling errors before you submit it. Speaking for myself it makes a person like me sound about 20 IQ points higher when I am in a debate.

  • cofty

    Giordano I can't find that button. Where is it exactly?

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