your whole foundation is on your statment that evoultion is fact, and my whole statement is on that god is fact.
The Animated Story of Job
by cofty 68 Replies latest watchtower bible
your whole foundation is on your statment that evoultion is fact, and my whole statement is on that god is fact.
Evolution is a fact. I have an overwhelming amount of objective evidence to support it.
We were discussing ethics. Not surprisingly you keep changing the subject.
ohh boy here we go i was talking about ethics, you are so consusmed with ur ideas you reject anything that points to god
you are so consusmed with ur ideas you reject anything that points to god
Nothing points to god does it?
Still waiting for you to explain in your own words how the story of Job in ethical. Was my prediction correct?
USR said-
because he loves he has to hate.
Didn't Jesus say to love your enemy if he hates you? Turn the other cheek? Ever heard of "special pleading"? You're doing it for your God, right now.
for example if i really love children and babys(which i do) than i have to hate abortion.(which i do) god is completely balanced with his wrath, love holyness, justice ,anger hate. everything
Yes, Jehovah really loved children and babies SOOOO MUCH that he repeatedly told his people in the OT to slaughter the pregnant women and infants, commanding them to bash newborns of their enemy's women on the rocks as vengeance, and then to rejoice over the death of a newborn!
Sure, it's not abortion, but it's OK to abort a fetus with a sword by stabbing the pregnant mother in the abdomen? But no sirree, that's NOT abortion.
i did answer you, sesnse you refuse to believe in god ,you will not see why its ethical. why do you think that job does not have your view? why does job not think god is unethical.?
USR said-
i did answer you, sesnse you refuse to believe in god ,you will not see why its ethical.
Cofty didn't ask why YOU think Cofty sees God as unethical: Cofty's asking you to explain why YOU see God as ethical, since YOU claim that God is.... The rule is that if you make a claim, the one who makes the claim needs to be able to present supportive evidence to others to back up their claim.
EDIT: if you need to, construct your statement based on the presupposition that you're talking to a fellow believer, and then work from there.
(I'm all ears, too.)
adamah: i personaly believe what paul said, at romans 8.28-3o that god works all things for the good of those who love him,james 1 talks about the good that comes out of trails and god does and allows things always for our good.even jesus learned obediance because of his suffering. the account of joesph being sold into slavery is also good to think about. the bible says satan ment it for bad ,but god for good. so when we see what happenex to job and his suffering we know that god means everything for good, therfore he is just and ethical
Unstop - What good do you imagine comes from the death of thousands of people in a natural disaster, or of the slow death from malnutrition or a prasitic infection of a child in the developing world?
cofty: i can be honest with that question: i dont know. like you these things sadden me. all i can do is go by what i know not what i dont know.