The Animated Story of Job

by cofty 68 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • braincleaned

    Julia Orwell, well she WAS punished... she gave birth to double the kids! LOL!

  • suavojr

    That was a great video! Funny, sad but real. Where was Job when the universe began? What a arrogant prick...

    Great ending!!!! This account does not answer why we suffer.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Cuz god made a bet with the devil. If only I had listened when I was studying with jws when my mum said this god sounds petty that he has to prove himself by letting billions of ppl suffer.

  • adamah

    Braincleaned said-

    *When I was a kid, we used to say "cross my heart and hope to die"... LOL! I really took that seriously... fearfully.

    Oh, that reminds me.

    I forgot to mention that the 'Oath of Innocence' is still with us today, although it's admissibility as evidence in trials has been significantly downgraded: when witnesses in a court of law prepare to give testimony, tradition holds that the witnesses place a hand over a Bible and vow "to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, SO HELP ME GOD". That's where Job's 'Oath of Innocence' ended up today!

    And as this article shows, those/us damn atheists are killing all the fun of taking an oath in the UK (since we really know God is a figment of imagination, anyway, and hence there's NO reason NOT to take the oath and THEN LIE our asses off about EVERYTHING and EVERYONE!):


  • problemaddict

    What other viewpoint can a human have but a human viewpoint ravens?

  • smiddy

    That was hilarious . " It`s not chariot science "


  • never a jw
    never a jw

    steve does a wonderful job of showing that he is sovergien over everything.

    Quite the sovereign indeed! Isn't he the same guy wo incites David to number the Israelites and then kills 70,000 innocent people to reward David's obedience (2 Samuel Chapter 24) Better than just sovereign, let's call him a cruel ruthless tyrant.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    When I was seriously ill, I read the classic suffering literature. Carl Jung wrote The Problem with Job. He was raised in the Lutheran tradition. He concluded that Job was more moral than God. Jung or perhaps some OT commentary noted a theological and stylistic difference between the opening story of the God and Satan gambling over Job and the main body of the poem. Job's story was common in the MIddle East. The Biblical difference was addressing how God allowed suffering.

    Never reading the Bible as a Witness but only Witness lit, I thought the long suffering of Job was that he never complained. I was blown away reading the poem. Job articulated my feelings and rage at God. His false comforters, his "friends" repeated much of the b.s. said to me by so-called Christians. On one level, Job's physical torments can be read as a profound depression and longing for mystical union with God. God does appear out of the whirlwind. The crocodile part is beautifully written.

    When you are in utter agony, though, you think of relief all the time. Pain does not make you noble or builds character. I found it makes you self-focused and bitter. The worst part is people who assume they could deal with it better through prayer. God would give them faith. B/S. Jung raged against the crocodile part. My body, mind, and soul needed relief. I felt as though I were a wounded animal. Crocodiles did not enter my mind. Opiates were of little help. God comes out the loser in Job. I believe it barely made the canon b/c of the issues it raised.

    It is a moving book. Judaism and Christianity believe that God has the power to remove pain yet he does nothing. Horrific acts of violence- floods, earthquake, tsunamis are termed Acts of God. Jesus healed some people. Imagine if you were one of those he chose not to heal. Perhaps his power was depleted healing others. I don't know.

    Questions are important. We don't have to accept the crocodile part. Creating a crocodile and human suffering are two different things. I expect Jesus did not wonder about who created the crocodile during his crucifixion. I am glad Job exists. There are many useful lessons in it. Jung is a task master to God. Why Jesus' sacrifice? Why suffering and death? Job is full of rage. He is not a God is groovy person. I loved it during my illness and even now.

    Few people actually read Job and believe that Job just thanked God for his afflictions. The Middle Eastern gambling story is amoral, of course. It shows that people had grave doubts about God and suffering in the Jewish and larger Middle Eastern tradition. I love the scorn shown to Job's false comforters.

    Job stands up for himself. God des not appear out of a whirlwind for many people. It seems that the author of Job was highlighting that there is no adequate answer for suffering.

  • unstopableravens

    problem: naturally all we do is see things from human views, job is one of the very few times we get to peer into a conversation in the invisible world.

  • cofty

    Unstop - Let's indulge the fantasy for a while. Please explain to us how the scenario described in Job is ethically defensible. (in your own words please)

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