cofty: seems like you only want to look at one side (your side). personally i cant imagine going through what job went through, so naturally the things he dealt with make most ppl including myself feel compassion for him.
The Animated Story of Job
by cofty 68 Replies latest watchtower bible
if you think god in unethical for what happened with job, do you think he ethical for doing what you enjoy, namly giving you your life?
My simple request still stands. I predict it will forever remain unanswered.
Please explain to us how the scenario described in Job is ethically defensible. (in your own words please)
i guess because my first one still stands as well cofty, what did god do that was unethical for the creator? he showed how faithful job was, he showed that ppl would love him under any condition. if you come back and ask if i would do the same to my son, that is not the same, i am not soverign . and i dont think you really care to understand his sovergienty.
that is not the same
The last resort of apologists trying to defend the indefensible.
The god of the OT is a moral monster. Your defense is that it doesn't count because he is god and anything he does is good by definition.
Murder, genocide, rape, kidnap - anything is good if it is done by your deity.
You talk as if love is a hat that god can take off when it suits him and replace it with his "vengence" hat.
Reformed theology plumbs the very depths of all that is evil about religion. It has a lot in common with the mentality of the Taliban.
cofty: wow thas news to me, tailban ? really? why because we understand that salvation is by grace and theres nothing that we can bring to the cross, that glory belongs to god and not man. nothing like a group who put there own selfish intersest above others. and no we dont think has diffenent hats that yahweh puts on. the god of the bible is love and at the same time hates. because he loves he has to hate. for example if i really love children and babys(which i do) than i have to hate abortion.(which i do) god is completely balanced with his wrath, love holyness, justice ,anger hate. everything
wow thas news to me, tailban ? really? why
Because you will supress all that you know to be good and loving and virteous and justify anything in the name of your god.
It is a cult, that controls people's authentic beliefs about ethics, just as much as the Watchtower or Islam is.
mr cofty: does not evoution control/influeance your thinking on morals, and by the way its not"reformed teaching" but the bible that guides my thinking on morals.
does not evoution control/influeance your thinking on morals
Evolution is simply a fact.
Morality is nothing more than our thinking about how our actions effect the well being of consious creatures.
Morality without deity has to justify why something is good or bad. No arbitrary rules allowed. Similarly nobody gets a free pass to do unethical things "because god says so".
the bible that guides my thinking on morals
You shoud be deeply embarrassed to say so. Have you actually read it?
Rape, kidnap, genocide, child sacrifice, infanticide are all good if and when god says so.
s cofty: i guess thats why athiest are not on the front line speaking out against abortion, even when atheist themselves are not for abortion many will say of others its there choice if they want to murder a baby. a