The reason behind why the ex-JW community can never match Jehovah's Witnesses' success.

by Stand for Pure Worship 187 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stand for Pure Worship
    Stand for Pure Worship

    But if they did so and it went against what is taught by JWs, then the result is disfellowshipping.

    To be clear, DFing would only happen after the elders attempted to reason with the errant one to no avail, and the individual would continue to express divisive thoughts throughout the Christian congregation.

    You have proof of this? If not, please don't use suppositions to support an argument.

    You're right, I have no proof. Only going off of previous experience. I'd also question how many of you can say that out of all the JWs that you've known throughout the years, has the amount of divorced couples been roughly 14%?

    Are you saying that scripture is not admonishing the disciples to be prepared for battle?

    It is, but the battle is spiritual in nature.-Eph 6:10-17,

  • BizzyBee

    Are you here to school us about JW beliefs and practices ?

    Cuz most of us know TTATT inside and out. Literally.

  • cantleave

    To be clear, DFing would only happen after the elders attempted to reason with the errant one to no avail, and the individual would continue to express divisive thoughts throughout the Christian congregation.

    I think you will find many us will vouch for the fact that is an outright lie.

    You are obviously a troll or just ignorant of the facts.

  • Giordano

    Are you here to school us about JW beliefs andpractices ?

    No............ I think he is a straw man that we can duel with. It is obvious that our blades do not cause him any harm but the practice of thrust and parry is useful. He also serves as a reminder of what we have left behind and why.

  • Suraj Khan
    Suraj Khan

    To be clear, DFing would only happen after the elders attempted to reason with the errant one to no avail, and the individual would continue to express divisive thoughts throughout the Christian congregation.

    Incorrect. I was removed without a single word from the elders and without expressing my thoughts to a single member of the congregation. Plenty of others have been convicted in absentia or for no other reason than refusing to accept the Governing Body as the Faithful and Discreet Slave.

    I'm torn between being angry at you and pitying you. Might need to think on that.

  • chrisuk

    SFPW - If looking on apostate sites and even having conversations with apostates isn't a DF offense, then please feel free to pm your name, age and the details of the congregation you belong to to 1 of the members of this site so they can contact the elders of your cong to inform them of your involvement on this site. You can choose which member to pm your details to. Then once your congregation has been contacted we can let the facts do the talking.

  • BizzyBee

    Have we determined his definition of the word "success"?


  • Dagney

    Clearly this guy is a new convert, or a DF'd zealot whose only means to contribute "theocratically" is to set apostates straight. There is no experience in his words; doesn't know how things have worked for years...only what is written in the literature.

    Nice try buddy. Good luck.

  • Finkelstein

    SFPW says .... This is completely revising WTBS history, distancing itself from Russell.

    Another lie Russell was the first leader of the WTS. to promote Christ's positioning as king in 1914 which was a

    date conveniently move up from 1874.

    1914 was and still is the most notable year/date in JWS core doctrines.

    The reason why the WTS. has been a fraud (Christian Congregation) is that its doctrines were intensionally created to proliferate

    the organization's own published goods.

    It is truly a false prophet told and described clearly in the bible as warning to all.

    The WTS. is just a fraudulent organization of Charlatanism, started in a country where men could freely

    act with that self endeavor on their own.

    An endeavor that killed thousands of people through its vaccination ban, its organ transplant ban and finally its no

    blood transfusion ban.

    Ignorant amateurish bible theologians running and operating their own publishing house truly becomes a dangerous commodity for humanity.

  • leaving_quietly

    But if they did so and it went against what is taught by JWs, then the result is disfellowshipping.

    To be clear, DFing would only happen after the elders attempted to reason with the errant one to no avail, and the individual would continue to express divisive thoughts throughout the Christian congregation.

    In theory, yes. I wonder how many on this forum have been DF'd because they simply voiced a doubt to an elder, and not to the congregation. I wonder how many have been DF'd because the simply could not rectify what they learned the Bible said on a subject versus what JWs teach, and because they decided to believe the Bible over JWs.

    EDIT: While I was writing this post, a couple responded and said this wasn't the way it happened with them. So, like I said, in theory, yes. It reality...?

    Let's say for a moment that someone found a teaching in the Bible that contradicts what JWs teach. If that person believes the Bible over JWs, that person is automatically labeled an apostate. If that person finds the teaching is so big that it makes them want to leave JWs because they've discovered that JWs aren't teaching what the Bible says, that person CANNOT just leave with no repercussions. Sure, the person MIGHT be able to go inactive. But the reality is that the once you're a JW, the only way to leave is either through DFing or DAing. Why? Why not be reasonable and simply let someone go who has no interest in causing divisions. Why try to be masters over someone's faith? After all, JWs ask new ones to have their membership revoked with their own churches, so why not let someone who no longer wants to be a JW to simply revoke their membership? Why force the congregation to treat that person as if they didn't exist? Why force family members to treat that person as if they were the scum of the earth? Christ never did that to people who found his speech so shocking that they left, so what gives JWs the right to do that?

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