How I recently handled JWs at my door

by Christian guy 310 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mr Fool
    Mr Fool

    Hi Christian guy, nice introducion

    If you have experienced "things" (visions, true dreams or similar), atheists here will probably question you, not because of humility but because they may want to "correct" you. Then it´s better you keep these pearls for yourself. Just a thought.

    Looking forward to hear more clever argumentation from you

  • whathappened

    Wow! What a counter witness you made. Great points here.

  • problemaddict

    Welcome CG,

    While I am not an athiest, and I have only exited the religion of my youth in the past year. I can appreciate some of the conundrums raised by athiests, and think it is safe to say that ANY of us decide something that shapes our world view ad much as belief in a benevolent creator, it shapes how we view the world. Certainly your world is viewed through the lenses of Jesus Christ being God in the flesh for a time being. Athiests lenses are colored with the belief there is no benevolent creator. Bias is there on both sides. Just sayin...

    I enjoyed how you presented the thoughts you did. Although i will say kicking the men out of your home for perverting the word of God after you invited them in and they came back.....was a dick move. It was high and mighty, and you may want to consider your approach. Especially because you had esentially considered the end of the matter before it even occured.

    Just some food for thought.

  • friendaroonie

    Excellent job!

  • Christian guy
    Christian guy


    You wrote: kicking the men out of your home for perverting the word of God after you invited them in and they came back.....was a dick move.

    Those two were almost certainly not coming back again anyway. And I had just read them Paul's words saying those who preach a Good News different from that which the apostles preached are to be condemned. So I codemned them for doing it. I wanted to impress upon them the seriousness of what they were doing, corrupting the Good News of Jesus Christ.

    The truth is, I didn't want to talk to either of them again anyway until they considered the possibility that they were following false teachers. And I told them that. I showed them some "tough love" and that is exactly what I think they both needed.

  • wasblind

    Witness I know try to avoid a Biblical beat down

    by talkin' bout everything under the Sun like ( Hair, Nails, clothes ,shoes, and Avon )

    up until the last minute when they dump off thier literature . They know I won't be back

    They also know they have nothin' to stand on in a confrontation of what they believe to be " the truth "


  • Vanderhoven7

    Excellent work Christian Guy. I'm working on a book entitled, "Good News For Jehovah's Witnesses" and this is exactly the approach I am using. The gospel is the power of God to salvation.

    JWs are not false prophets because thay have miscalulated dates as did Harold Commings and Hal Lindsey...but because they have messed with the gospel of Jesus content, criteria for and means of salvation. They have elevated the organization above Jesus Christ. You can believe in Jesus all you want, but if you don't submit to an organization run by men in Brooklyn, Jesus cannot save you come Armageddon. I agree with your gospel approach and commend you for your willingness to give them a chance to share their beliefs first.

  • What Now?
    What Now?

    Marked. Great reasoning.

  • wasblind

    Hello there Vanderhoven7 I would like to add

    JWs are not "only " false prophets because they have miscalculated dates as did Harold Camping and Hal Lindsey...


  • Christian guy
    Christian guy


    Thanks for the kind words. The toughest part about writing a book for JWs has got to be knowing that very few of them will ever read it. Since they are not allowed to read any Bible based publications not written by the Watchtower Society. But hopefully some of their non-JW friends and relatives will pick up a copy of your book to learn how they might talk to JWs.

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