The 1914 generation is still going strong 100 years later - 2014 study article.

by THE GLADIATOR 443 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Fisherman

    Old Hippie: The following is a question not a statement.

    1: I figure, that according to present generation definition, since the first group had be anointed on Oct 1, 1914; to qualify, one had to be born no sooner than 1894, being at least 20 years of age (give or take a couple of years) in 1914. [1894+20=1914] And, since the max lifetime of a human is 120 years, therefore: 1894+120=2014 -Streching it to the maximum. Perhaps there are a couple of anointed persons somewhere in the world still alive today. (Remmember Joshua and Caleb.) So, the first group will pass away by 2014 even if there are some still alive by then and the definition continues.

    2: To be a memeber of the second group, one would have to be annointed after 1914 so let us say 1915 and alive during the life of any annointed of the first group (cut off date is 2014.) Maximum age of the second group: 1895+120=2015. Minimum age of second group: 2014-20=1994 (youngest would have to be born no later than 1994) [1994+120=2114 ] -So, the YOUNGEST of the second group to die would be in 2114, a hundred years from now and still meet the requirements of the definition -EXCEPT that the WTS added the stipulatiion that the interlapping anointed ARE ADVANCED IN YEARS. The WTS ALSO used the illustration applying to the two groups "SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN". The illustration does not define the actual age gap between the 2 groups but it suggests that the gap is small ( I figure max 20 years gap).

    So, Ball Park: 1894+20=1914+20=1934 Applying the illustration to the definition, the second group was born in 1914 and anointed at the age of 20 in 1934. Hence: 2014-1914= 100 years of age. The second group will hit 100 next year. Lets say they live another 20 years=120, then 1914+120=2034. -So we got another 20 years more to go. THE PROBLEM IS THAT the wts said that the second group is "ADVANCING IN YEARS" and hitting 100 years in 2014 is not advancing, it is the end of the line! Advancing in years means to me late 60's to early 80's and if that is the case, then the illustratition school age children does not apply because there is too much of an age gap 120-70=50 years!! (that is 5 score or half a century!)

    So my question is this: What does advanced in years mean? What does the WTS really mean by interlapping annointed in terms of age? How old is the youngest and how old is the oldest of the second group TODAY? THEN we STILL need to determine what did Jesus mean in terms of the pass away age of the second group. Forget about 1914, Forget about the first group of anointed. What is the definition of generation in terms of age as applied to the second group. All that is being done here is shifting the length of generation from one generation group to the other UNLESS one needs to add the interlapping years to the age of the second group and then BOTH groups combined ages make up the TOTAL. Math 24:34-36

  • Fisherman

    Old Hippie: The following is a question not a statement.

    1: I figure, that according to present generation definition, since the first group had be anointed on Oct 1, 1914; to qualify, one had to be born no sooner than 1894, being at least 20 years of age (give or take a couple of years) in 1914. [1894+20=1914] And, since the max lifetime of a human is 120 years, therefore: 1894+120=2014 -Streching it to the maximum. Perhaps there are a couple of anointed persons somewhere in the world still alive today. (Remmember Joshua and Caleb.) So, the first group will pass away by 2014 even if there are some still alive by then and the definition continues.

    2: To be a memeber of the second group, one would have to be annointed after 1914 so let us say 1915 and alive during the life of any annointed of the first group (cut off date is 2014.) Maximum age of the second group: 1895+120=2015. Minimum age of second group: 2014-20=1994 (youngest would have to be born no later than 1994) [1994+120=2114 ] -So, the YOUNGEST of the second group to die would be in 2114, a hundred years from now and still meet the requirements of the definition -EXCEPT that the WTS added the stipulation that the interlapping anointed ARE "ADVANCED IN YEARS", and, that not all annointed today are part of the second group. The WTS ALSO used the illustration applying to the two groups, "SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN". The illustration does not define the actual age gap between the 2 groups but it suggests that the gap is small. {child = 0yo to 20yo} ( I figure max 20 years gap).

    So, Ball Park: 1894+20=1914+20=1934 Applying the illustration to the definition, the second group was born in 1914 and anointed at the age of 20 in 1934. Hence: 2014-1914= 100 years of age. The second group will hit 100 next year. Lets say they live another 20 years=120, then 1914+120=2034. -So we got another 20 years more to go. THE PROBLEM IS THAT the wts said that the second group is "ADVANCING IN YEARS" and hitting 100 years in 2014 is not advancing, it is the end of the line! Advancing in years means to me late 60's to early 80's and if that is the case, then the illustratition "school age children" does not apply in terms of age difference because there is too much of an age gap: 120-70=50 years!! (that is 5 score or half a century!)

    So my question is this: What does advanced in years mean? What does the WTS really mean by interlapping annointed in terms of age? How old is the youngest and how old is the oldest of the second group TODAY? THEN we STILL need to determine what did Jesus mean in terms of the pass away age of the second group. Forget about 1914, Forget about the first group of anointed. What is the definition of generation in terms of age as applied to the second group. All that is being done here is shifting the length of generation from one generation group to the other UNLESS one needs to add the interlapping years to the age of the second group and then BOTH groups combined ages make up the TOTAL. Math 24:34-36

  • fedup

    The game of TAG, you're it!!!

    The anointed love this game, you tag people to start a new generation. The fantasy lives on!!


    Sell them Watchtowers, because, when we decide to stop playing tag, the end will come...

  • truthsetsonefree

    They can't be serious! Who the heck would have been an anointed dub in 1914 and still be alive today? Even if there were some how many would there be????


  • Fisherman

    WT 6/15/2010 PAGE 5

    "We do not know the exact length of “this generation,” but it includes these two groups whose lives overlap. Even though the anointed vary in age, those in the two groups constituting the generation are contemporaries during part of the last days. How comforting it is to know that the younger anointed contemporaries of those older anointed ones who discerned the sign when it became evident beginning in 1914 will not die off before the great tribulation starts!"

    Notice the ambiguity. Does it mean that the YOUNGER anointed contemporaries discerned the sign or does it say the older anointed discerned the sign. Obviously, ALL older anointed discerned the sign otherwise they would not have been anointed. And, if the statement means that ONLY those younger anointed ( younger annointed meaning young then but old enough to discern the sign; but they are refered to as younger anointedbecause they became annointed later on although not anointed when they discerned the sign) who were able to discern the sign make up the second group of the contemporaries AND even though young, they had to be old enough to discern the sign to qualify to be part of the second group,kindly say so and avoid misleading understanding. If that is the case then those younger contempraries that were too young to be anointed when they discerned the sign had to be born BEFORE 1914 and be at least 5 years old in 1914. But that means that those guys are 115 years of age and that is really stretching the meaning of generation.

    Whatever is meant by the above WT stipulation, I agree that one had to be AT LEAST born in 1914, if not by all means, of an age able to understand (assuming Jesus was refering to the generation of 1914). Such definition in my humble opinion is loyal to the generation that would see ALL the sign from begining to completion.

    And that means 5 years max before the GT, give or take a couple of years, according to this stipulation.

  • Fisherman

    Truly I say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things happen.

    Another way of interpreting this verse (Given the WT definition) is that although it would take a very long time for ALL the things that Jesus prophesied to complete (because all those thing would be required to occur in the span of many many years ) , nevertheless, no matter how long it takes from begining to end, THIS GENERATION WOULD NOT PASS AWAY UNTIL IT SAW IT ALL happen.

    That means that some persons two or three at least would have to see it from beginning to end say -AMEN

  • Splash

    Hi Fisherman, your explanation confused me a little bit.

    The whole point of the new definition of GENERATION is that it doesn't need one single person to see the events from start to finish, the start to finish can be witnesed by two different people who's lives overlap.

    And by overlap I don't mean one born in 1894 overlaps with one born in 1915, but rather one born in 1894 overlaps with one born in, say, 1954. eg.

    Group 1: Born 1894. Anointed at 20 in 1914. Died at 80 in 1974
    Group 2: Born 1954. Anointed at 20 in 1974. Dies at 80 in 2034

    So Group 2 'just' overlaps Group 1 while both are anointed in 1974.

    So adapting Pixels comment from above, the anointed now have:
    1. Anointed who are pre-'this generation' (eg Apostles). These lived and died before 1914.
    2. Anointed of the First Group of 'this generation'. These witnessed 1914 while anointed.
    3. Anointed of the Second Group of 'this generation'. These overlapped the First Group while anointed themselves.
    4. Anointed who are post-'this generation'. These were born after all of the First Group died.

    All anointed in points 1. and 2. are now dead.
    So all anointed on the earth today, including our FDS, consist of men from both point 3. and point 4.

    It's really not that difficult.
    Jesus explained all of this very clearly in his statement "This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur".


  • Fisherman

    Splash, did you read 6/15/2010 WT page 5. Did you read what I wrote about it?

    It seems to say that: Group 2 are young contemporaries that saw the sign too in 1914.

    I think that it is requied to see the whole sign from beginning to end. You limit generation length to only 80 years. In order for the WT meaning to make any sense, no matter how you cut it you have to see a whole sign not part of one. 6/15 WT seems to indicate that. The wt waited till 1995 not 1974 to change meaning. I have never read in the lit that overlapping means NOT seeing the sign in 1914.

    No matter how you cut it, it means the lifespan of a person.

    That is why the WTS says "THEY are advancing in age." But I would like to see in writting from the WTS that it is not required to have at least been around in 1914 to be part of "this generation". Since Moses lived to be 120, 120 can be supported with scripture. And there are people alive today of that age. About interlapping age limits, above WT is the only commnrary I have found.


  • Fisherman

    So, the bottom line is: What does the publications say explicitly about the age of the interlapping annointed?

  • Splash

    The sentence they use is this one:

    *** w10 4/15 p. 10 par. 14 Holy Spirit’s Role in the Outworking of Jehovah’s Purpose ***
    "He evidently meant that the lives of the anointed who were on hand when the sign began to become evident in 1914 [group 1] would overlap with the lives of other anointed ones who would see the start of the great tribulation [group 2]."

    In other words, no one group (I keep wanting to call them 'generation'!) would see both the 1914 sign and the Great Tribulation.
    It will require that two groups, two life-spans, need to overlap.


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