Old Hippie: The following is a question not a statement.
1: I figure, that according to present generation definition, since the first group had be anointed on Oct 1, 1914; to qualify, one had to be born no sooner than 1894, being at least 20 years of age (give or take a couple of years) in 1914. [1894+20=1914] And, since the max lifetime of a human is 120 years, therefore: 1894+120=2014 -Streching it to the maximum. Perhaps there are a couple of anointed persons somewhere in the world still alive today. (Remmember Joshua and Caleb.) So, the first group will pass away by 2014 even if there are some still alive by then and the definition continues.
2: To be a memeber of the second group, one would have to be annointed after 1914 so let us say 1915 and alive during the life of any annointed of the first group (cut off date is 2014.) Maximum age of the second group: 1895+120=2015. Minimum age of second group: 2014-20=1994 (youngest would have to be born no later than 1994) [1994+120=2114 ] -So, the YOUNGEST of the second group to die would be in 2114, a hundred years from now and still meet the requirements of the definition -EXCEPT that the WTS added the stipulatiion that the interlapping anointed ARE ADVANCED IN YEARS. The WTS ALSO used the illustration applying to the two groups "SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN". The illustration does not define the actual age gap between the 2 groups but it suggests that the gap is small ( I figure max 20 years gap).
So, Ball Park: 1894+20=1914+20=1934 Applying the illustration to the definition, the second group was born in 1914 and anointed at the age of 20 in 1934. Hence: 2014-1914= 100 years of age. The second group will hit 100 next year. Lets say they live another 20 years=120, then 1914+120=2034. -So we got another 20 years more to go. THE PROBLEM IS THAT the wts said that the second group is "ADVANCING IN YEARS" and hitting 100 years in 2014 is not advancing, it is the end of the line! Advancing in years means to me late 60's to early 80's and if that is the case, then the illustratition school age children does not apply because there is too much of an age gap 120-70=50 years!! (that is 5 score or half a century!)
So my question is this: What does advanced in years mean? What does the WTS really mean by interlapping annointed in terms of age? How old is the youngest and how old is the oldest of the second group TODAY? THEN we STILL need to determine what did Jesus mean in terms of the pass away age of the second group. Forget about 1914, Forget about the first group of anointed. What is the definition of generation in terms of age as applied to the second group. All that is being done here is shifting the length of generation from one generation group to the other UNLESS one needs to add the interlapping years to the age of the second group and then BOTH groups combined ages make up the TOTAL. Math 24:34-36